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浅析我国农村连锁超市的物流管理 摘 要 随着我国经济的迅猛发展连锁店、超市这两种商业经营模式已成为我国流通领域新的经济增长点。2008年我国销售总额占社会消费品零售总额的比重接近20%超市销售额的迅速增长,已成为拉动我国消费增长的巨大动力之一。同时,随着我国商品流通体制改革的不断深化,农民收入的不断提高和购买力的逐步增强,农村商业流通得到快速发展。目前,城市的竞争压力日渐增大,许多有远见的超市已悄然进入农村市场连锁超市经营活动的绝大多数环节均会物流,物流的高低直接影响到超市的经营利润。连锁超市所面临的一个重要问题,超市物流进行分析和控制。本文通过分析超市物流管理中存在的问题,探讨了连锁超市物流管理的应用方法,以期获得的对策。关键词Analyzes the supermarket chain logistics management in the rural areas Author:********** Tutor:******* Abstract With the rapid development of Chinas economy, chain stores, supermarkets, these two kinds of business model has become Chinas circulation of a new economic growth point. In 2008 Chinas total sales of chain enterprises above designated account for the proportion of total retail sales of social consumer goods close to 20%, the rapid growth of supermarket sales, has become a driving force of Chinas consumption growth, one of the great driving force. Meanwhile, with the continuous deepening of Chinas commodity circulation system reform, the peasants rising incomes and purchasing power becomes stronger, rapid development of rural commercial circulation. At present, the city is an increasing competitive pressures, many far-sighted in supermarkets has been quietly into the rural market. Supermarket chains operating activities in rural areas will be the use of the vast majority of logistics management, logistics management, directly affects the level of supermarket operating margins. Development of Chinas rural areas faced by supermarket chains is an important issue, namely how to analyze supermarket logistics and control. This paper analyzes the supermarket chain logistics management in the rural areas the problems of the rural supermarket chain logistics management, application methods, with a view to access to rural supermarket chain logistics management solutions. Keywords: rural supermarket chain logistics management measures 目 录 1绪论 1 2.我国农村连锁超市物流管理的必要性 2 2.1农村物流配送问题制约农村连锁超市的发展 2 2.2物流成本直接影响农村连锁超市的发展 2 3我国农村连锁超市物流管理存在着不足 3 3.1物流配送水平低 3 3.2标


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