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交通學報 第二卷第一期 民國九十一年九月 頁135~頁150 Journal of Traffic Science Central Police University Vol. 2 No. 1 Sep. 2002, pp. 135~150 改善機車行車秩序大執法之檢討分析 Analysis On Traffic Enforcement of Improving Motorcycle Order on Road 何國榮 Kuo-jung Ho 陳少旭 Shao-hsu Chen 摘 要 目前全國汽、機車數高達一千七百多萬輛,其中機車超過一千一百萬輛,約佔三分之二,但長期以來,交通主管機關均認為「機車」是過渡性交通工具,必然隨著經濟發展、汽車的增加,而逐漸減少,甚至「消滅」,因此,在交通法令制定及交通工程規劃方面,均漠視機車的存在,致機車行駛「路權」保障不足,停等空間不夠,使其違規流竄於各車道、甚至橫行於紅磚人行道上,造成都市交通秩序紊亂,及交通事故頻傳,亟待改善。根據統計資料,我國機車交通事故死亡人數佔全部交通事故死亡人數之比例高達五十一%,雖然自民國八十六年起騎乘機車強制戴安全帽,已有效減少機車傷亡人數,但戴安全帽僅能減少車禍發生後之傷亡程度,無法減少機車交通事故發生,因此,為進一步大幅減少機車肇事傷亡,必須從改善機車行車秩序,減少機車交通事故著手。有鑑於此,警政署及交通部乃研修交通法令,賦予機車合理「路權及速限」,督促各地方交通管理機關,積極佈設「機車優先道」、「機車專用道」、「機車停等區」、「機車二段式左轉待轉區」,以提供機車「合理使用空間」,另警政署亦規劃「汽、機車分流」大執法,要求全國同步施行,預期將可大幅降低交通事故死亡人數,維護人民生命財產安全。 關鍵詞:路權、機車交通事故、汽機車分流 Abstract Now the amount of vehicle already have reached 1.7 million throughout country, especially the amount of motorcycle exceeds 1.1 million, about occupying two of third, but for a long time, the chief organization of traffic always thinks that motorcycle is a transitional tool, and assures that the amount of motorcycle will gradually reduce or die out because of the development of economy and the increase of automobile, therefore, ignoring the existence of motorcycle on making traffic law and planning traffic engineering, which results in the right of riding motorcycle on road not to be protected enough, and space of stopping not to be sufficient, and further causes that riding motorcycle against traffic regulation on each lane is ordinary, extremely riding on sidewalk is serious, which results in traffic order confusion and traffic accident happening frequently, it needs to be improved urgently. According to data, in our country the number of the death in traffic accident highly reaches percent 51 of all the death in traffic accident, although that riding motorcycle has been forced to wear safety helmet since 1997 could lower effectively the rider the severity of the injured and dead as traffic accident happ


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