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江阴职业技术学院 毕业设计说明书 课 题: 基于单片机的时钟设计 子课题: 同课题学生姓名: 专 业 机电一体化 学生姓名 沈华 班 组 08机电(1)班 学 号 20080204103 指导教师 郭红 完成日期 2010.12.2 摘要 单片机自20世纪70年代问世以来,以其极高的性能价格比,受到人们的重视和关注,应用很快。而51单片机很广、发展是各单片机中最为典型和最有代表性的一种。 本次设计以AT89C52芯片为核心,辅以必要的外围电路,设计了一个简易的电子时钟,它由220V交流电源供电。在硬件方面,除了CPU外,使用6个七段LED数码管来进行显示,LED采用的是静态显示。通过LED能够比较准确显示时、分、秒。两个简单的按键实现对时间的调整。软件方面采用汇编语言编程。整个电子钟装置能完成时间的显示、调时、定时闹钟、秒表、复位等功能。 通过这次设计让我更深入了解单片机基本电路、如何控制和定时器和中断编程的基本方法,从而锻炼了我学习、设计和开发软、硬件的能力。 关键词:单片机应用,电子时钟 Abstract Because of its extremely high performance-price ratio, the single-chip computer (SCC) has been paid great attention to ever since it came out in 1970s of 20th Century, and has gained an extensive applicable field and fast development. Among all kinds of SCCs, 51 SCC is the most typical and representative one. This design, adopting AT89C52 chip as the core part with some necessary peripheral circuits, is a simple electronic clock which uses 220V AC as the power supply. In hardware aspect, besides the CPU, six seven-segment LED digi-tubes are used for display, which work in a statically display mode. The LEDs can accurately indicate hour and minute and two buttons can be used to adjust the time. While in the software aspect, the programming language is assembly language. The whole electronic clock system has functions of time display, adjustment, bell-setting , stopwatch and reset, etc. This design enables me to have greater insight into the basic circuit of SCC, and the basic methods of timer control and interruption programming, so that is a training of my ability of learning, designing and developing software and hardware. Key Words:Application of SCC, Electronic Clock 目录 摘要 1 目录 3 第1章 前言 4 第2章 方案的要求与设计 5 2.1 方案要求 5 2.2 方案设计 6 第3章 系统设计 7 3.1 AT89C52的管脚说明 7 3.2 T0和T1的设置 11 3.3 T2的设置 15 3.4 模块设计 19 3.4.1 电源部分


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