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3E Proficiency Assessment(Listening·Reading·Writing Level Three)3E少儿英语听·读·写测试(三级)Section I Listening Comprehension(35%)第一部分听力理解Part A (8%)Choose the best response to the sentence or the question you hear.听句选答:根据你所听到的句子或问题,选出最恰当的选项。1A. About ten minutesB. An hour ago.C. before eight o’clock.D. Just now.2A. Very well.B. The school is nearby.C. I had lots of fun.D. I have no idea.3A. Never mind!B. OK. I won’t.C. Yes, I will.D. It doesn’t matter.4A. In the 1940s.B. It was written by a French writer.C. An artist’s life.D. I’ve read it twice.5A. He’s been very helpful.B. Do you think so?C. It’s very kind of him.D. That’s a good idea.6A. It’s around the corner from the bank.B. Yes, I can.C. it’s a good hotel.D. No problem.7A. I don’t think so.B. I’m sorry to hear that.C. Not at all.D. Don’t worry.8A. Play football.B. Go on holiday.C. Stay at school.D. Go skating.Part B (10%)Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to each of the questions.短对话理解:根据你的听到的对话,选出最佳的选项。9A. To Italy.B. To France.C. To Britain.D. To Japan.10A. All the picture they took.B. her e-mail address.C. Her office address.D. Some help.11A. Listening to English stories.B. Reading English story.C. watching the new program.D. Reading the newspaper.12A. She is very young.B. She is a happy woman.C. She like s funny people.D. She is fond of reading.13A. it’s a huge place.B. There are all kinds of things there.C. It opens very early.D. It’s near the woman’s home.14A. It’sconvenient.B. it saves money.C. it takes lots of time.D. It’s necessary.15A. She doesn’t like TVB. She lives a busy life.C. she enjoys doing homework.D. She is not happy about her way of life.16A. The woman’s son.B. The man’s daughter.C. The man.D. The woman.17A. He stayed up late.B. He slept early.C. He finished his work.D. he visited his friend.18A. A woman’s arm.B. A woman’s baby.C. A woman’s car.D. Accident.Part C (7%)Listen to the passage and complete the summary.听短文,做总结:根据听到的短文,将下面的总结填写完整。The child and his family went to Canada las


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