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雙重通路的議價行為之探討 雙重通路的議價行為之探討 Discuss of Bargaining Behavior in Hybrid Channels 陳見旭 Chien-Hsu Chen 葉淑瑜 Shu-Yu Yeh 銘傳大學管理科學研究所 摘要 :隨著網際網路的發展 ,電子商務給予製造商較多的選擇機會 ,但也因為電子商務的出現而 使實體通路與虛擬通路之間產生衝突 ,製造商在此雙重通路下決定最適的通路結構是一個非常急 迫需要解決的管理難題 。企業的主要目標在於追求利潤 ,通路間的利潤分配則是透過產品價格的 議價過程來決定。議價過程會受到議價雙方的議價能力、需求替代性與退回產品剩餘價值的影 響 。因此本文將透過上述三個變項與不同通路架構在議價過程後所得到的產出結果之間的關係。 研究結果有以下的發現 。第一 ,當虛擬通路的零售商其議價能力越強時 ,則該廠商的利潤會 越小。第二,在DD Model中,當被退回產品具有剩餘價值時,產品可退回機制可以提高製造商 與虛擬通路零售商的利潤 。第三 ,在產品可以退回的情況下且需求替代性越大 ,當實體通路的零 售商其議價能力增加時 ,則虛擬通路的產品零售價格 、虛擬通路的產品批發價格 、實體通路的產 品零售價格、實體通路的產品批發價格會隨之下降 。 關鍵字:議價能力、需求替代性、退回產品剩餘價值、通路架構 Abstract:According to the development of the internet, e-commerce gives manufacturers more choices, but also some conflicts between the real channels and virtual channels. It’s a critical management problem that needs to be solved immediately for manufacturers. The goal of the enterprises is profits which determined by bargaining the product prices in channels, and the bargaining process are influenced by the bargaining powers of participators, demand substitutability, and the value of the returned products. Therefore, we will discuss the relations between these three variables and the outcomes obtained from bargaining process that under different channel frameworks. The study has the following conclusions. First, when the bargaining power of the retailers in virtual channels is larger, the profits of the retailers in virtual channels are smaller. Second, when the returned products are valuable, the products return policy can raises the profits of the manufacturers and the retailers in virtual channels. Third, for the products can be returned, and the demand substitutability is bigger, when the bargaining power of the retailers in real channels is larger, the retail pri


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