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唐 山 学 院 毕 业 设 计 设计题目:基于单片机的数字钟设计与实现 系 别:_________________________ 班 级:_________________________ 姓   名:_________________________ 指 导 教 师:_________________________ 2010年6月9 日 基于单片机的数字钟设计与实现 摘 要 在现今高速运行的现代生活中,准确适时的把握时间尤其重要。而传统的时钟由于其自身的特点,功能有限。单片机实现电子钟的设计应运而生本就是用单片机实现数字电子钟。单片机以其自身特有的特点,已经广泛应用各种智能仪器、家庭电器、电子玩具等各个领域。本设计包括硬件设计和软件设计两部分。主要硬件有:AT89S52单片机、LED数码管、DS1302、18B20、74HC595和若干按键等。软件思路:单片机分别与DS1302和18B20进行串口通信,对其进行读/写数据,通过74HC595在LED数码管上显示;整个过程就是先设计和焊接好硬件电路,通过C语言编写应用程序,利用软件将程序下载到单片机。设计完成数字钟功能:正常走时、、、、、,校正时间,并显示温度。 关键词:单片机 数码管 芯片DS1302 芯片18B02 MCU-based Design and Implementation of Digital Clock Abstract In the modern life of the high-speed run-time in present,the accurate and well timed confidence time is particularly important. because of our traditional clock’s characteristics of its oneself,function very finite. So,the design topic that uses Single Chip Microcosm to carry out electric clock emerge with the tide of the times.this topic is the design that uses single chip microcosm to carry out the numerical electric clock.Single Chip Microcosm with its special characteristics,Have already aplied extensively and various intelligent instrument,Family electric aparatus,the electron toy etc.each realm. The topic includes hardware design and software design in two parts. Main hardware includes AT89S52 Single-chip,LED digital tube,DS1302,18B20,74HC595 and a number of keys,etc.. The idea of software is that the monolithic integrated circuit separately carries on the serial port correspondence with DS1302 and 18B20,carries on to it reads/writes the data,demonstrated through 74HC595 on the LED nixietube.The entire process is designs and welds the hardware electric circuit first,through the C language compilation application procedure,downloads using the software the procedure the monolithic integrated circuit.Causes it to become an independent digital electron clock. The digital clock has been designed to complete the basic functions:


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