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摘 要 随着经济全球化的到来和市场经济的不断深化,中国市场发生了巨大的变化,企业的经营管理逐渐由以“产品为中心”向“以客户为中心”转化,以“注重成本的控制”向“注重提高客户的满意度”转化,客户成为企业最重要的资源。“以客户为中心”的经营理念已成为企业的经营的准则和生存之道, 如何稳定老市场、开拓新市场已经成为企业各层管理者的中心工作, 市场营销首当其冲成为企业的工作重点。 CRM 是客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management)的简称,是一种全面的管理和技术方法。它可将企业业务中与各个客户接触的各个方面无缝整合在一起,包括市场、销售、客户服务以及专业支持等各方面内容。CRM充分利用Internet带来的革命性的影响,将企业中的人、业务流程、技术整合在一起, 目标的核心是满足客户的需要。CRM的实施使企业从和他们的客户的关系中带来长久的互动的收益,它通过将人力资源、业务流程与专业技术进行有效的整合,最终为企业涉及到客户或消费者的各个领域提供了完美的集成,使得企业可以更低成本、更高效率地满足客户的需求,并与客户建立起基于学习型关系基础上的一对一营销模式。 本系统采用Microsoft Visual Studio .NET平台和 Microsoft SQL Server 2000数据服务器来构建整个框架,介绍了CRM客户关系管理国内外现状,详细地说明了.NET技术及它的未来发展方向,讨论了. NET平台在数据库应用系统的设计方式,以CRM客户关系管理系统结构-C/S结构为主题,详细地说明了,以及一些个人经验关键词:客户关系管理 Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Microsoft SQL Server 2000 XML Abstract Along with the economical globalization and the market economy unceasing deepening, the Chinese market has had the huge change, enterprises management gradually take the product as the center to the customer as the center, enhances the customer by the attention cost control to the attention the degree of satisfaction, the customer becomes the enterprise most important resources. Take the customer as the center the management idea has become the enterprise the management criterion and the survival road of facing develops the more intense market competition. How did the stable old market, develop the new market already to become the enterprise each superintendents main task. The market marketing bears the brunt into enterprises work key. CRM is the customer relationship management abbreviation, is one kind of comprehensive management and the technical method. It contacts the enterprise service in and customer contacts aspect seamless conformity in the same place, including the market, the sale, the customer service, the specialized support and various aspects content. CRM fully the revolutionary influence which brings using Internet, enterprises in people, the service flow the technical conformity in the sa


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