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2005年 6月                  云南化工                    Jun. 2005  第 32卷第 3期             Yunnan Chem ical Techno logy              Vo l. 32 ,No. 3  白碳黑与三氧化铝填料对聚氨酯弹性体耐磨性的影响 黎清宁 ,卢德宏 ,蒋业华 ,周  荣 (昆明理工大学 国土资源工程学院 , 云南 昆明 650093) 摘  要 :  研究了不同质量分数的白碳黑与 A l O 填料对聚氨酯弹性体耐冲蚀磨损性能的影响。结果表明, 2 3 白碳黑填料降低了聚氨酯弹性体的耐磨性 ,而聚氨酯弹性体耐磨性随着 A l O 颗粒加入量的增加先升高而后下 2 3 降 ,在质量分数为 34 %时达到峰值 ;讨论了填料对聚氨酯复合材料磨损行为与机理的影响。 关键词 :  聚氨酯 ; 白碳黑 ; A l O ;冲蚀磨损 2 3 中图分类号 :  TQ334   文献标识码 :  A    文章编号 :  1004 275X (2005) Effect of S ilicon D iox ide an d A lum ina Particles on the W ear Re sistan ce of Polyurethane Ela stom er L I Q ing - n ing, L U D e - hong, J IA NG Y e - hua, ZHO U Rong ( School of L and R esou rce Engineering, Kunm ing Un iversity of Science and Technology, Kunm ing 650093, Ch ina) Ab stract:   Effect of silicon dioxide and alum ina filler w ith different contents on the wear - resistance p rop erties of polyurethane elastom er was studied. The wear resistance was found to be decreased w ith silicon dioxide filler, and firstly in creased w ith increasing content of alum ina until reach ing a m aximum w ith the weight content of 34 % , and then decreased. The wear behavior and m echan ism of fillers on polyu rethane elastom er were discu ssed. Key words:  polyu rethane; silicon dioxide; alum ina; ero sion ) 前言


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