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Momo大学成人教育 BEIJING gonye UNIVERSITY ADULT EDUCATION 毕 业 论 文 2009 级 分院国际经济与贸易 专业 本 科 论文作者 指导教师 副教授 完成时间 2010年12月 浅析美国对华反补贴贸易措施 摘要 中美分别是世界上最大的发展中国家和世界上最先进的发达国家,两国的互补经贸往来促进两国的经济发展的同时,对世界经济发展也举足轻重,因而,中美贸易摩擦历来便是专家研究的热点。进入21世纪以来,由于中美巨额的贸易逆差,自身低迷的经济状态,美国对中国的贸易保护主义抬头,反倾销,特保措施,知识产权……贸易手段层出不穷。2006年,美国更是出人意料地开始对中国的铜版纸进行反补贴调查。此后,美国对中国的反补贴调查愈演愈烈,仅2007年,中国就遭受了8起来自美国的反补贴调查。反补贴在发达国家中由来已久,但是在中国却是头一遭,对其知之甚少。本文便是在此大背景下,去分析美国对华发起的反补贴案现状,总结其特点和规律,找寻原因,追寻法律依据,最终提出本文对来自美国反补贴调查的看法,供相关研究者借鉴。 关 键 词 :中美,贸易措施,反补贴 Analysis of the U.S. nti-Subsidy Trade Measures Against China International Economics and Trade 05-1 Mei Xu-xu Supervisor Miao Dong-ling Abstract China is the biggest under-developed country and The United States is the most advanced developed country. Complementary trades between them facilitate their economic development and meanwhile they also play a important role in the world economy. Therefore, Sino-US trade friction is always a hot research subject. Since coming into the 21st century, due to the huge trade deficit with China and their own economic downturn, the USA began trade protectionism on China. Trade protecting means, such as anti-dumping, special safeguard measures, intellectual property rights and so forth, were springing out. In 2006, the USA carried out anti-subsidy investigations of coated paper on China. Since then, the U.S. anti-subsidy investigations against China were intensified. Only in 2007,China suffered 8 cases. Subsidy in developed countries has a long history, but it is a complete new thing in China. In this context, this article is to analyze the relevant cases, to educe the characteristics and laws in them, to look for reasons and trace the legal basis, and finally to elicit the opinion for reference of the researchers. Key Words: Sino-US, trade measure, anti-subsidy 目 录 一 导论 1 (一)研究背景 1 1中美经贸关系在曲折中不断前进 1 2美国贸易保护主义开始抬头 1 3美国对华贸易措施推陈出新,反补贴日渐引人注目 1 (二)研究目的和意义 2 (三)研究现状简评 2 (四)研究的主要内容和方法 3 二 美国对华反补贴措施的现状 4 (一)美


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