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考博英语资料——英语佳句 - 一、谈论手工艺品   1. Handicraft class was a required course for most primary school students in China. 在中国的大部分小学里,手工课都是必修课。   2. I think some people regard handicrafts as something mysterious and troublesome but to me it’s great pleasure. 也许对有些人来说,手工是一件神秘而且麻烦的事情。但是,对于我来说,却是其乐无穷。   3. I was very clumsy when I was young and I didn’t like making things by hand. 我小时候手很笨,而且不喜欢自己用手作东西。   二、谈论手工艺品(2) 4. I like making things by hand because my mother is very skillful and I liked staying with her when I was young. 我喜欢亲手作一些东西,这是因为我母亲的手非常巧,而且我小的时候喜欢同她在一起。 5. It’s necessary to learn traditional skills because they make our life more colorful and our spare time activities become rich. 学习一些传统的手艺非常必要,因为这使我们的生活更加绚烂多彩,使我们的业余生活更加多种多样。 6. I guess handicrafts are valuable because they carry the long history of China and cultural meaning is deeply rooted in them. 我认为手工艺品非常有价值。因为其中包含着中国的悠久历史和深植其中的文化内涵。   三、谈论老师 (1) 7. I trust that my chemistry teacher at high school was the one who made me start thinking about life. 我在高中的时候的化学老师使我对人生开始有了思考。 038. She loved telling jokes to make the class atmosphere easy. 她喜欢讲一些笑话活跃课堂气氛。 9. He was well informed and updated with all kinds of current affairs. 他见多识广,并且了解各种必威体育精装版的时事新闻。 谈论老师 (3) 10. It was this teacher who made me face reality with great courage and strong perseverance. 正是这位老师使我能够鼓起勇气,坚定信心,面对困难。 11. I sometimes think that my English teacher at junior high school has exerted great influence on me. 我有的时候觉得初中时候的英语老师对我有很大的影响。 12. He was then 30 years old and he often played football with us. 他那个时候30岁,常常和我们一起踢球。 四、谈论体育 13.To be frank I’m not good at sports but I am crazy about sports matches. 坦率的说,我不擅长体育,但是,我热衷于看体育比赛。 14.I have particular interest in watching the matches of diving figure skating and swimming. 我特别喜欢看跳水、花样滑冰和游泳比赛。 15.As we all know weith the improvement of people’s living standard as well as national cultural and hygienic facilities more and more people begin to engage in one form of physical exercise or another so as to im


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