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钦 州 学 院 本科毕业论文(设计) 广西沿海地区高校专业 调整模式研究 院 系 数学与计算机科学系 专 业 数学与应用数学 (信息与计算机科学方向) 学 生 班 级 姓 名 学 号 2010年07月 广西沿海地区高校专业调整模式研究 摘要 随着人类社会的发展,占地球表面积71%的海洋,将是人类实现可持续发展的必威体育精装版领域和最广阔空间,是解决人类面临的人口、资源与环境三大危机的所在。1992年世界环境与发展大会确定的《21世纪议程》明确指出:海洋是全球生命支持系统的一个基本组成部门,是一种有助于实现可持续发展的宝贵财富。海洋不仅是人类生命的摇篮,也将是人类赖以生存的第二空间。许多海洋学家,包括很多政治家都预言:21世纪是海洋的世纪。   中国是个海洋大国,拥有300万平方公里的“蓝色国土”。我国古代就有“环九州为四海”、“物产富饶为陆海”的记载,海洋构成中华民族的半壁疆域。关注海洋,也就成为中华民族发展史上的不绝之声。从15世纪初起,均有“海洋强国”之心声。进一步提升中华民族海洋意识也已成为中国跨世纪海洋战略的一件头等大事;海洋将是中国21世纪可持续发展战略的必然选择之一。 Guangxi coastal zone research university professional adjustment mode Abstract With development of human society, account for 71% of ocean terrestrial superficial area, with the location being that up-to-date human being realization of sustainable development field composes in reply the vastest space , being three big crises resolving population , resource and environment facing the human being.In 1992 the world environment points out with developing UNCED Agenda 21 that the assembly ascertains definitely: Ocean is a fundamental made up of branch of global bio-support system , is one kind of the precious wealth being conducive to a realization of sustainable development.That not only, ocean is human being life cradle , will also is that on which human being rely for survival second space. A lot of oceanologist, includes many statesmen foretelling that: 21 centuries are the ocean centuries. China is ocean Great Power , owns 3 million square kilometers blue territory . Our country moved towards halves territory having ring Kyushu to be that the whole world , products are rich in order land and sea recording , ocean compose the Chinese nation in the ancient times. On showing solicitude for ocean , becoming history of the development of the Chinese nation also right away without cease that sound. Starting from the beginning of 15 centuries, heartfelt wishes of h


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