
毕业论文3++Destructive or Constructive----A Multi-dimensional Discussion on Premarital Cohabitation on Campus.doc

毕业论文3++Destructive or Constructive----A Multi-dimensional Discussion on Premarital Cohabitation on Campus.doc

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Destructive or Constructive ----A Multi-dimensional Discussion on Premarital Cohabitation on Campus 英语专业2000级 吕雯 Contents Abstract (English) 2 Abstract (Chinese) 1. Introducing cohabitation as social phenomenon 2 2. Defining cohabitation 4 3. Biological and physiological perspectives 5 4. Sociological and psychological perspectives 7 5. Economic perspectives 10 6. Moral and legal perspectives 14 7. Related discussion------ birth control 15 8. Conclusion 16 Reference 17 Destructive or Constructive ----A Discussion on Premarital Cohabitation on Campus Abstract As an emerging social phenomenon it’s hard to define “premarital cohabitation” as constructive or destructive simply. According to several professors, Civil Law of China, and Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, the subject discussed in this paper will be limited: Unmarried college students cohabitation with sex behavior. And in view of the subject’s complexity, the discussion is carried on with the knowledge of philosophy, psychology, sociology, physiology, literature, economics, and ethics. Although the boundary line between constructive and destructive is still blurred after discussion, a prudent policy should be adopted when college students decide to have s try. However, that is better if they don’t. Key words: oppression sex premarital cohabitation liberation 摘要: 早在20世纪60年代英美等国就出现过所谓的“性解放”运动,40多年后面对性自由带来的危害,新一轮的讨论又开始了。目前中国出现的婚前同居,丁克家庭,单亲母亲,独身等一系列新名词就像股市的一条“阳线”刺激着我们的视觉和听觉。对于向来讳莫如深的话题“性”,中国人再也坐不住了:10月16日~18日,中国人民大学召开首届中国“性存在(sexuality)”研讨会——其重要成果被称之为中国“性革命”蓝皮书。有关“同居”的电视剧,文章,网络帖子如雨后春笋。甚至正在拟订的中国第一部《民法》草案也提到了“婚前同居”。作为即将跨入社会的当代大学生,应该如何看待这种社会现象及身体力行呢?本文本着解决实际问题的态度,结合前沿研究成果从:哲学,生理学,文学,心理学,社会学,经济学,以及教育,宗教,道德等多方面入手究其根底。以期从整体上分析研究“婚前同居”对社会造成及将要造成的建设性影响和破坏性影响。从而为迷航的船只贡献一丝光芒。 phenomenon functioning as the bomb’s fuse: some “countryside of university students”(a region for inhabiting outside dormitories, usually for a pair of lovers) appeared in Si Pai (stone plaque), Wu Shan (five hills), and


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