
毕业设计说明书_陕西安康市平利至镇坪公路八 道河桥 ——空腹式箱形拱桥.doc

毕业设计说明书_陕西安康市平利至镇坪公路八 道河桥 ——空腹式箱形拱桥.doc

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毕业设计说明书_陕西安康市平利至镇坪公路八 道河桥 ——空腹式箱形拱桥

内蒙古科技大学 本科生毕业设计说明书 题 目:陕西安康市平利至镇坪公路八道河桥 ——空腹式箱形拱桥 学生姓名:牛争光 学 号:0606116232 专 业:交通工程 班 级:交通06-2班 指导教师:张 玥 摘要 拟建桥位于平利县八道乡罗家院子以南约800m处,介于平镇三级公路(平利段)K30+356—K30+450之间,跨越八道河河谷,路线与水流方向正交。桥址区位于基岩底山区—小型河流的迂回曲折段,河谷两岸为山梁斜坡,左岸基岩外露,右岸突出的山梁上分部厚度不大的第四系覆盖层,谷底较平坦。 桥址区属构造条件较简单的地段,无破怪性断裂存在,桥位处无不良地质现象。 根据地形以及所给资料设计了三个比选方案:方案一是预应力混凝土简支T形梁桥,孔径布置:2×40m,桥梁总长80m;方案二为三跨等截面连续T形梁桥,孔径布置25m+30m+25m,总长80m;方案三为上承式混凝土箱形拱桥,主跨65米,两测加一跨6米跨径板,孔径布置:6+72+6m,总长84m。 方案比选依据安全、实用、美观的原则,最终选择方案三上承式混凝土箱形拱桥为推荐方案,拱上建筑采用梁板柱式腹孔,主梁采用标准跨径6m的实心板,板厚0.3m。拱轴系数通过试算采用1.167。 桥梁下部结构为重力式桥墩、桥台为U形桥台。本设计对盖梁、立柱及主拱圈配筋,对主拱圈、桥墩及基底进行了强度验算。 关键词:拱桥;实心板;盖梁;立柱;桥墩 Abstract The proposed bridge is located in Lee County, 8 Heung Ping Luo yard about 800m south of Division, between Pingjhen 3 Road (Ping Lee paragraph) K30 +356- K30 +450 between badaohe valley across the road and the flow direction is pay. The end of the bridge site located bedrock mountain - a small section of the river twists and turns, valleys cross the ridge slopes, left bank of the bedrock exposed, prominent ridge on the right bank of the thickness segment of the Quaternary small, relatively flat bottom. Structural conditions of the bridge site belonged to a simpler site, without breaking blame of faults, the bridge is located no bad geological phenomena. According to information designed for terrain and the comparison of three programs: the program first, simply supported prestressed concrete T-beam bridge, aperture arrangement: 2 × 40 cross-bridge full 80m; program 2 for the three-span continuous T-cross section bridge, aperture arrangement 25m +30 m +25 m, length 80m; Programme III for the Deck Concrete Arch Bridge, a main span 65 meters, plus the two measuring 6 meters span across one board aperture arrangement: 6 +72 +6 m length of 84m. Scheme comparison and selection based on safety, practical, aesthetic principles, the final option 3 Deck Concrete Arch Bridge with the recommended program, the arch on the building slab-column with


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