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CP-98班新概念青少版1A期中测试卷 Name:__________ Score: (口语+笔试+平时成绩=150分)__________ 一. 单词辨音,选出与其它三项发音不同的一项。(0.5×10=5分) ( ) 1. A. meet B. teacher C. isn’t D. please ( ) 2. A. yes B. that C. bag D. and ( ) 3. A. ball B. bot C. daughter D. fourteen ( ) 4. A. do B. you C. who D. put ( ) 5. A. but B. hungry C. umbrella D. aunt ( ) 6. A. Lucy B. sorry C. house D. please ( ) 7. A. thing B. there C. they D. father ( ) 8. A. wait B. family C. favourite D. they ( ) 9. A. miss B. silver C. child D. this ( ) 10. A. how B. show C. tower D. brown 二.单词互译。(0.5×40=20分) 聪明的__________ 高兴地__________ 英俊的__________ 忙碌的__________ 出租车__________ 车轮__________ 银色的__________ 体育学院________ 地板__________ 手电筒__________ 花园__________ 艺术学院________ 脏的__________ 碗__________ 肌肉__________ 服装__________ 领带__________ 丑陋的__________ 工人__________ 文职人员________ 优雅的__________ 强壮的__________ 大门__________ 睡衣__________ teacher__________ camera__________ secretary__________ burglar__________ noise __________ full __________ speed __________ interesting__________ bench__________ late__________ knife __________ dish__________ heavy__________ give__________ actor __________ river__________ 三.单项选择。(0.5×26=13分) Is that ___old camera? A. a B. an C./ D. the Where ___my pen? can B. am C. are D. is There ___two chairs and a table in my bedroom. are B. is C. am D/ Give ___the torch. A. him B. he C. she D. his Is there ___tea in the cup? A. some B. a C. any D. an A: Whose bag is full of books? B: ____ A. Her B. Him C. His D. My 7. ---____are you? ---I’m great. A. Where B. What C. Who


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