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-2728- Chinese Journal of the Practical Chinese with Modern Medicine 2006 VOL.(19) NO.22
The Principle and Clinical Application
of Infrared Thermography technology
郑烽礼(综述) 吴珊鹏(审校)
(福建医科大学附属泉州市第一医院骨科,福建 泉州,362000)
ZHENG Feng-li WU Shan-peng
(Department of orthopedics,the affiliated Quanzhou first Hospital of FuJian Medical University,Quanzhou 362000,China)
中图分类号:R 445 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1607-2286(2006)22-2728-04
【摘 要】红外热像技术是利用人体的红外辐射把热量转变为电能,在荧光屏上显示出皮肤温度变化的图像。红外热像仪所得
【Abstract 】Infrared thermography technology makes pictures which can make use of infrared radiation in the human body to make
the heat change into the electricity ,and which can demonstrate the changing temperatures of the skin on the fluorescent screen.The
distribution pictures of temperatures from Infrared thermography machine can reflect the functional heat change inside human body. The
functional pictures can be directly analysised and sensitive and also can provide the objective basis well to diagnose some diseases.
Therefor the pictures of Infrared thermography can be supplied in domains like biology and medicine etc.Thats all for the simple summary
regarding the principle and clinical application of infrared thermography technology.
【Key words 】Infared ;Thermograph ;Principle ;Clinical ;Application
红外线热像仪是一种测量人体表面温度分布状态的仪器, 广泛应用于生物医学诸多领域[5]。
它是利用人体的红外辐射把热能转换成电信号,扫描成像的原 2 红外热图的原理和特点
理,揭示人体温度的分布及其变化规律,从而对疾病做出诊断。 当室温低于体温时,人体通过皮肤散发出肉眼看不见的红
人体就是一个自然的生物红外辐射源,是恒温动物,能维持一 外辐射能,其波段在5~50um 之间。根据红外辐射的照相原理,
定的体温,当人体患病或某些生理状况发生变化时,这种全身 红外热像仪能观察到上述电磁波,反映出皮肤热辐射能量的增
或局部的热平衡受到破坏或影响,于是在临床上表现为组织温 减,再用