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2010, 25 ( 2) : 182 ~ 187 J ournal o f No rthw est F or est ry U niversit y 以徐州观音机场中心绿地为例 1 2 司品华 , 李 祥 ( 1 , 2212 12; 2 , 22 1003) : 以徐州观音机场中心绿地景观设计为研究对象, 通过对影响方案优劣的功能 景观艺术 科学 创新 经济 和生态 等因素的分析, 筛选出18 个评价指标运用A H P模糊综合 评价法构造了绿地景观设计方案评价模型并对设计方案进行客观全面评价, 根据评价结果提出了 设计方案优化建议研究表明, 采用A H P模糊综合评价法对绿地景观设计方案进行评价与分析 是可行有效的, 其关键环节是评价模型的建立和评价指标的量化 : 绿地景观设计; 评价模型; 模糊综合评价; 优化 : T U 986 2 : A : 2010) 0201820 6 Evaluation and Optimization for Gr een Sp ace Land scape Design T aking Cent ral Green Sp ace o f Gu any in A ir por t in Xuzhou as an Example 1 2 SI Pinhua , LI Xiang ( 1. X uz hou Guanyin A irp ort Corp ortation, X uz hou, Jiangsu 22 12 12, China; 2. X uz hou Garden Burean, X uz hou, Jiangsu 22 1003, China) Abstract: It is ver y im por tant to evaluat e landscap e desig n scient if ically, object ively and fairly befo re archi t ect ure const ruct io n With t he cent ral green space of Xuzhou Guanyin A irport as a subject , eig hteen evalu at ion indices w er e scr eened out t hro ug h analysis o f t he facto rs af f ecting the qu ality of landscape desig n, su ch as f unct ionalit y, landscape art ist ry, science nat ure, innovat iveness , eff iciency, ecolog y A n evo lut ion model of g reen sp ace landscap e design w as est ablished, then t he landscap e design w as evaluat ed object iv ely by u sing t he A H Pf uz zy com prehen siv e ev alu at io n met ho d, finnally some o pt imizat io n sugg est ions w ere put f orw ard It w as point ed out t h at it w as feasible and ef f ect iv e to evaluat e and analyz e gr


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