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Module 1.Unit 3单词,词组和句型 (第一课时笔记) 一.单词 1. spend /spend/度过,花费spent –spent 2. island/ /岛屿 3. bay /bei/ 海湾 4. dragon/ / 龙 5. weekend / wi:kend /周末 6 sand沙子----sandy沙子的 二.Unit 3 词组和句型 1. somebody spend some money on something 某人花钱在某事物上 e.g. I spent 100 yuan on the chair. somebody spend some money in doing something 某人做某事花了多少钱 e.g. I spent 100 yuan in buying the chair. 2. south南部 north 北部 west西部 east东部 3. sandy adj. 沙的--- sand n. 沙子 sunny adj. 有阳光的 --- sun n. 太阳 4.. at weekends=at the weekend (英式) on weekends=on the weekend 在周末(美式) on weekdays在工作日 5. be far (away) from …离…远 Eg. My school is far from my home. 我学校离我家远。 6 .be near/close to… 离….近 It’s near /close to our school. 离我们学校近 7. It’s in the north/south/west/east of Green Island.在格林岛北部/南部/西部/东部 8. on Green Island. 在格林岛上 In Sandy Bay.在沙湾 9.Happy Town 快乐城 Sandy Bay 沙湾 Dragon Bay 龙湾 Star Town 星星城 Moon Town月亮湾 South Bay 南部湾 North Bay 北部湾 Sunny Town 阳光城 Blue Bay 蓝色湾 Spring Bay春天湾 10. near Sandy Bay靠近沙滩湾 quite near Dragon Bay相当靠近龙湾 11. be far away from Spring Bay远离春天湾 ( 注意:not near=far away from) 12.in the east/south/west/ north of China 在中国的东南西北 13. in the southwest of Green Island 在绿岛的西南 14 a map of Green Island 一张绿岛地图 15.spend a day out together 一起在外度过一天 16.spend two hours doing housework 花两个小时做家务 17. spend ten yuan on the book 花10元买这本书 1) sb. + spend + 价钱 + on sthe.g. I spent 20 yuan on the book. 2) sb. + spend +价钱+ in) doing sth e.g. I spent 20 yuan (in) buying the book. 3)sb + spend + 时间+( in )doing sth = It takes sb +时间+ to do sth . e.g. I spent 2 hours in doing my homework. =It took me 2 hours to do my homework. 三.句型: S1: What do you usually do at weekends? S2: I usually go shopping_in _SandyBay___ . S1: Is __it_near or far away from Spring Bay ? S2: It’s near/far away from Spring Bay. (第二-三课时笔记) 一.单词 1. seaside (n)./si:said / 海边,海滨 lucky (adj)/ l ki / 好运的,幸运的 – luck 运气—luckilyadv.) 幸运地space n./sp


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