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【摘要】网上银行是信息技术飞速发展的产物,作为21世纪一种新兴的金融业,其低廉的成本和广阔和前景,已越来越得到人们的重视。 [ Abstract ] the bank on the net is the rapid development of information technology products in twenty-first Century, as a new industry, because of its low cost and broad prospects, have been gaining more attention. Along with our country Internet users increased the financial service and progress, Chinas online banking industry has also obtained the rapid development, Internet banking brings great convenience to users. But the online bank in our country is still at the primary stage, and there are a lot of problems. Based on the analysis of Internet Banking Based on fundamental features, analysis of Chinas network banks development present situation, and for the development of online banking in China existing network infrastructure is backward, the credit mechanism is not perfect, the security system is not mature, and lack of personnel and other issues, proposed the development of online banking in China should take the countermeasure proposal, aim development of online banking in China is to create a good environment. And on this basis, discussed the prospect of Internet banking in china.
Key words: Internet banking, infrastructure, credit, safety, talent, supervision
我国网上银行在业务量、技术水平和服务内容等方面取得了迅猛发展本文拟在通过网银行的运行特点分析我国网络银行发展的现状及存在的问题,探讨促进我国网上银行发展的一些对策措施网上银行(Internet bank or E-bank),指银行通过信息网络提供的金融服务,包括传统银行业务和因信息技术应用带来的新兴业务。网上银行又称网络银行、在线银行,是指银行利用Internet技术,通过Internet向客户提供开户、销户、查询、对帐、行内转帐、跨行转账、信贷、网上证劵、投资理财等传统服务项目,使客户可以足不出户就能够安全便捷地管理活期和定期存款、支票、信用卡及个人投资等。 网上银行又被称为“3A银行”,因为它不受时间、空间限制,能够在任何时间(Anytime)、任何地点(Anywhere)、以任何方式(Anyway)为客户提供金融服务。 是否上网 比率 是 32 100% 否 0 0 表一
是否有网银 比率 是 22 68.75% 否 10 31.25% 表二
是否知道网银的使用 比率 完全了解 2 6.25% 不完全了解 26 81.25% 完全不了解 4 12.5% 表三
4次以上 3-4次 1-2次 半年1-2次 不使用 人数 0 2 8 11 1 比率 0 9.09% 36.36% 50.00% 4.55% 表四
完全放心 不完全放心 很不放心 是否放心使用网银 5 13 4 比率 22.73% 59.09% 18.18% 表五
A、交易安全性 B、功能多样性 C、服务质量 D、使用便利性 使用网银时看重因素 14 1 2 5 比率 63.64% 4.
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