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目录 引 言 3 1 厂房柱概述 5 1.1 产品结构特点 5 1.2 技术要求 5 1.3 厂房柱制造规范及规程 6 1.4 厂房柱的材料 6 1.5 构件截面形式 7 2 厂房柱制造技术分析 8 2.1 Q345B钢的焊接性分析 8 2.2厂房柱的焊接变形 10 2.3 厂房柱的焊接工艺 12 3 焊接工艺评定 17 4 厂房柱的制造工艺 30 4.1 厂房柱的制造工艺流程 30 4.2 钢材的矫正 30 4.3 钢材的表面清理 33 4.4 厂房柱钢材的下料工艺 33 4.5 厂房柱的装配焊接工艺 41 5 厂房柱的检验 48 6 厂房柱的涂装工艺 52 结 论 53 致 谢 54 参考文献 55 格构柱指两个或两个以上的角钢或槽钢用连接板相连而组成的矩形截面的组合柱Φ4mm。点固焊、柱身缀条与连接板之间的搭接以及连接板与柱身连接的搭接,考虑到焊缝的位置以及焊缝的长度,选用CO2气体保护焊的焊接方法,选用焊丝牌号为ER50-3,焊丝直径Φ1.2mm。并分别确定了埋弧焊和CO2气体保护焊的焊接工艺参数。 根据《建筑钢结构焊接技术规程》JGJ81-2002GB50205-2001Abstract In the workshop of factory, due to the needs of factory building structure , ensuring the normal operation of the crane beam, and the column of factory building need to be manufactured, for playing a supporting role,the column of factory building has real lattice and the two abdominal, Ze-1 column of factory building is structure of lattice, trellis column refers to two or more angles or channel connection board connected with the rectangular cross-section composing of a combination of column. And the welding steel column is one of the most important component of composing industrial factory. Ze-1 from the structural features of column of factory building start-chu ,The production of factory building material Q345 steel welding is analysised ,to determine the welding method, to select the welding equipment and welding materials. And then analyz the column Ze-1 column of factory building of welding deformation structure , developing a preventive and corrective measures to welding distortion. Ze-1 column of factory building production has two difficulties parts, are the column body, the production of stigma welding assembly. Stigma limb identity of I-beam I-beam and column flange plate and web of fillet weld,I-beam flange plate stigma next column are expected to weld and groove sub-limb angle and the overlap between the weld steel plates are chosen the method of submerged arc welding,grade H08MnA wire,HJ431 brand flux,wire diameter Φ5mm. The body is made up of c


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