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职场英语:开心工作的十二条秘诀Of course, being happy at work depends mostly on how much you like your job. But there are also smaller steps that can boost your happiness, as well. Some of these steps are VERY small, but the fact that youre taking steps to improve your situation itself boosts happiness. 基本上,你越喜欢这工作,干活时就越开心。不过一些小办法也可以提升你工作快乐程度。其中有一些非常小,但是改善境况这行为本身都能让你更快乐。 1. Check for eyestrain by putting your hand to your forehead in a salute. If your eyes feel relieved, your work space is too bright. 检查是否有眼疲劳。方法是将手放在前额呈敬礼状。如果这时候你的眼睛感到放松,那么你的办公空间就太明亮了。 2. Sit up straight with your shoulders down — every time I adjust my sitting position, I instantly feel more energetic and cheerier. 坐直、放下肩膀——每当我调整完坐姿,会立刻感到更有精神和更愉快。 3. Get a phone headset. I resisted for a long time, because it looks so preposterous, but its really much more comfortable. Also, it lets me pace while I talk on the phone, which also looks preposterous, but is energizing. 戴上电话耳机。我对此抗拒了很长时间,因为这样看上去很傻,可其实却很舒适。而且,它让我在打电话的时候能踱步子,虽然这也很傻,可是却提神。 4. Dont keep candy on your desk. Studies show that people are much more likely to snack when a treat is within easy reach, and a handful of MMs each day could mean a weight gain of five pounds by years end. 不要在桌子上放糖果。研究表明,如果零食在随手可得的范围内,那么吃零食的可能性会大大增加。每天吃一把巧克力豆,到了年末体重可能会增加5磅。 5. Never say yes on the phone; instead, say, Ill get back to you. When youre actually speaking to someone, the desire to be accommodating is very strong, and can lead you to say yes without enough consideration. Along the same lines... 绝对不要在电话上说“好”, 而是说:“等一会儿再和你联系”。当你和某人交谈时,会有很强的迎合冲动,而且会让你不经充分考虑就答应对方。同理...... 6. When deciding whether to say yes, imagine that youre accepting a job that youll have to do next week. Dont agree to something just because it seems so far off that it doesnt seem onerous. 当你决定要不要说“是”的时候,把它想象成这是一件你在下周就得要做的任务。别仅仅因为它似乎看上去很遥远而且繁重,所以你就去答应。 7. Dont let yourself get too hungry. The Big Man goes without eating for hours and hours at a time, so once, trying to be helpful, I bought him a big bag of g


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