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五年信班 號姓名
★ 仁保小學的朋友們你們好,讓我來告訴你們我們新竹的名產是什麼
☆ Hi! My friends. Let me tell you our famous food in Hsinchu.
★ 我們新竹的名產有很多例如﹕貢丸.米粉.芋頭餅.水蒸蛋糕.地瓜餅…….等等。
☆ We have many famous foods: for example, meat balls, rice noodles, taro cakes, water-steamed cakes, yam cakes, etc.
★ 我們這組最多人喜歡吃的是貢丸,因為貢丸裡面可以放許多配料,而且還很有嚼勁感覺特別棒喔!
☆ Our group likes meat balls most because we can put a lot of ingredients in them and the taste is great!
★ 我們的米粉好吃到吃起來可是會讓你們無話可說喔!
☆ Our rice noodles are also very delicious!
★ 而且我們的米粉有銷售到你們日本那裡去耶!
☆ You can buy our rice noodles in your country.
★ 貢丸的作法::
★ 首先將瘦肉切開,將1/2大匙的鹽,平均灑在豬肉上,Cut the red meat first, and then spill 1/2 spoon of salt on the pork.
★ 然後用搥肉器,把豬肉搥爛。se the meat-beating device to beat the pork.
★ 全部搥完之後,把肉泥放到一旁備用。After finishing the beating, you can put the meat mud aside for later use.
★ 接著把肥肉切成小塊,再把它剁成肉泥,與剛剛的瘦肉放在一起。ut the fat meat into small pieces, chop it into the meat mud , and finally put it with the red meat.
★ 把薑切片以後,用刀背拍碎,放到小碗裡,ut the ginger into slices. Use the back of a knife to shred the ginger. Put it in the small bowl.
★ 倒兩大匙的米酒,浸泡薑片,稍微拌一下,就變成薑酒了,Pour two spoons of rice wine to soak the ginger. It will become the ginger wine.
★ 取一大匙薑酒,放到肉泥的碗裡,ginger wine to the bowl of the meat mud.
★ 再加1/2小匙的胡椒粉、1小匙的鹽,1/2 spoon of pepper powder and one spoon of salt.
★ 把蛋白加進去,不要蛋黃,Add egg without yolk , please.
★ 再加1大匙的太白粉,然後用手把這些材料揉成泥狀。Add 1 spoon of white powder. Use hands to make meat mud.
★ 揉完以後,把肉泥用力甩到碗裡,
★ 這樣來回的甩,可以使肉泥產生黏力,這樣與用木棒搥擊的效果是一樣的。利用拇指與食指所形成的圓圈,巧妙的將肉泥擠成球形,Use your thumb and forefinger to shape the meat mud into the round balls.
★ 用湯匙挖起來,放到已經煮開的熱水裡, spoon to fetch the meat balls and then put them into the boiled water.
★ 煮到貢丸浮起來,變成白色狀,貢丸就煮熟了。The meat balls will be finished when they become white and float to the top.
★ 水蒸蛋糕的作法:how to make water-steamed cakes:
★ 麵粉、發粉仔細拌勻,ix flour and baking powder thoroughly.
★ 過篩 2 次(這樣做出來的蛋糕才會質地細緻)蛋和糖用打蛋器打到發
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