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《悲惨世界》中芳汀的角色塑造与分析The Role Modeling and Analysis of Fantine in Les Miserables 丁松云(南京大学信息管理学院江苏南京 210046)摘要:雨果作为法国人道主义作家,一直以来都很关注社会下层人民的生活。他的《悲惨世界》更是将笔触深入到巴黎的各个角落,将巴黎街头底层人民的生活状况以及革命起义等具体景象进行了细致描写。《悲惨世界》塑造了很多栩栩如生的人物,他们都是社会底层人民,却代表着当时的社会常态。我们注意到传统的对雨果及其传世作品《悲惨世界》的研究主要集中在对照原则的分析上,对人物的分析上则主要集中在主人公冉·阿让的身上,而对出场不多却令人印象深刻的芳汀则无人问津。本文将以小说中的人物芳汀为研究对象,从三个方面对其进行具体析:首先,从芳汀在小说中代表的流浪儿、女性、母亲三种社会角色来分析其人物形象;然后,从对照原则和抒情色彩两方面介绍其人物形象的构造方法;最后,结合小说中关于芳汀的描写阐述雨果的人道主义思想。关键词:《悲惨世界》;雨果;芳汀;角色塑造 Abstract: As a French humanitarian writer, Hugo has been very concerned about the lives of the lower people in society. His Les Miserables is a brush strokes into every corner of Paris, the bottom of the peoples living conditions in the streets of Paris and revolutionary uprisings and other specific scenes were described in detail. Les Miserables created a lot of lifelike characters, which are the bottom of the community people, but on behalf of the social norm.We noticed that the traditional study of Hugo and its handed down Les Miserables focuses on the analysis of the principle of control, and the analysis of the characters are mainly concentrated in the protagonist Ran Ah, but the appearance of small but impressive Fantine is nobody cares. In this paper, the characters in the novel are taken as the object of study, and the characters are analyzed from three aspects: first, the characters of the street children, women and mothers, which are represented by Fantine in the novel, are analyzed. Second, from the control principle and lyrical color of its character to introduce the image of the construction method. Finally, combined with the novel on the description of Fantine to introduce Hugos humanitarian thinking.Keywords: Les Miserables Hugo Fantine role shaping一、引言《悲惨世界》是十九世纪最著名的小说之一,是由法国大作家维克多·雨果在1862年所发表的一部长篇小说,涵盖了拿破仑战争和之后的十几年的时间。这部作品一出版就大获成功,问世以来多次被改编为电影和音乐剧。法国著名的传记作家安德烈·莫洛亚在《雨果传》中指出:“如果没有雨果,很难想象十九世纪的法国文学,正像没有巴尔扎克或左拉,就根本不能想象它一样。雨果是法国人民民族天才的典型表现”。《悲惨世界》是雨果人道主义思想的集中体现。中国文学大家茅盾先生认为:“它有托尔斯泰的《战争与和平》拿牙


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