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铸就成功的关系 ——BTEC合作与领导;;Outcomes and assessment criteria;;Groups Teams;Work group Work team;Share information Neutral (may be negative) Individual Random and varied;Group Size;Mature Group Characteristics;Examples of Formal Groups;Stages of Group Development;Why People Join Groups;Good when performing complicated, complex, inter-related and/or more voluminous work than one person can handle Good when knowledge, talent, skills, abilities are dispersed across organizational members Empowerment collaboration; not power competition;Categories of Teams;团队人员的组成差别;Characteristics of Effective Teams;4. Characteristics of Effective Teams;团队特征;Positive Behaviors;Negative Behaviors;Stages of Team Development ;Stages of Team Development;forming - people join the group either because of a work assignment or for some other benefits or interests begin to define the group’s purpose, structure, and leadership stage marked by much uncertainty Storming骚动 - acceptance of the group’s existence conflict over who will control the group norming - relationships and a sense of group identity develop group assimilates a common set of expectations of what defines correct member behavior;2. Stages of Group Development (续);;智能与技能;;;;3. Six components of team dynamics;2) Norms规范 - acceptable standards or expectations that are shared by the group’s members each group has: its own unique set of norms common norms related to levels of effort and performance exert powerful influence on performance 3)Conformity - acceptance by group makes some members susceptible to conformity pressures (遵从群体压力) group norms push members toward conformity results in alignment校正 of opinions Review “Consensus” in last chapter;4) Status - a prestige grading, position, or rank in a group may be conferred informally based on personal characteristics may be formally conferred 5) Group Size规模 - effect on behavior of group depends upon the type of outcome large groups - good for getting diverse input small groups - good at m


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