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# 92# 2009 6 4 2 Jou rn al ofM icrobes and In fect ion, Jun e 2009, V ol14, N o12 ArlR * * 刘敬然 , 孙志平 , 许涛, 吴旸, 李达文, 瞿涤 /, 200032 : ( S taphylococcus ep iderm id is, SE) , ( biof ilm ) , SE arlRS A rlR A rlR , A r lR , -A rlR , D ot -A rlR 1B 100 000 A rlR SE 1457 , , A rlR 2 h , 4 h , 6 ~ 10 h 4 h arlR , A r lR arlR arlRS SE : arlR A r lR Detection of ArlR expression in different growth phases of Stap hy lococcus ep iderm id is * * L IU Jing-R an , SUN Zh -i P ing , XU T ao, W U Y ang, L I D a-W en, QU D i K ey Laboratory of M edical M o lecular Virology, M inistry of Education and H ea lth, Shanghai M edical C ollege, Fudan Un i ers ity, Shangha i200032, Ch ina Abstract:S tap hy lococcus ep iderm id is ( S1ep iderm idis) is an oppor tunistic pathog en th at colonizes on the sur face o f hum an sk in and in mu cous m em branes1 It can form biof ilm s by adhering to indw e lling m edical dev ices, o ften cau sing b io f ilm-asso ciated infection1Tw o- component signa l tran sduc tion system s ( T CSs) play an mi portant ro le in modu lating b io f ilm fo rm ation in b acter ia1H ow ever, regu lation m ech an ism s o f TCSs in S1ep iderm id is are still poorly understood1 In this stu dy, the expression o f respon se regu lator A r lR of ar lRS TCS in S1ep iderm idis g row th ph ases w as investigated1T he prokaryotic expression plasm id pET2 8a-arRl w as con stru cted, and A rlR pro tein w as expressed and purif ied1T he purif ied A rlR w as u sed to mi m un ize


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