Shale gas Global experience and key learning:页岩气的全球经验和学习.pdf

Shale gas Global experience and key learning:页岩气的全球经验和学习.pdf

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Shale gas Global experience and key learning:页岩气的全球经验和学习

Shale gas Global experience and key learnings 2 | Shale gas - Global experience and key learnings Contents Shale gas: global potential and enablers 3 Benefits of shale gas development 3 Global shale gas potential 5 Enablers for shale gas development 6 Regulatory landscape 6 Favorable pricing regime 7 Technological capabilities 7 Natural gas pipeline infrastructure 7 Shale gas in India 8 Key learning for India 9 Shale gas - Global experience and key learnings | 1 2 | Shale gas - Global experience and key learnings Shale gas: global potential and enablers Surging shale gas production in the US, as well as the possibility of replication of this success worldwide, has the potential to revolutionize the global energy market. Widely dispersed shale gas reserves indicate the strong potential of shale gas to emerge as a major alternative source of energy worldwide. According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), technically recoverable shale gas resources globally stand at 7,299 trillion cubic feet (tcf) 1. To put this into perspective, global natural gas consumption amounted to 116.7 tcf in 20122. Hydraulic fracturing technology and horizontal drilling have made the revolution possible and continue to be a topic of debate across the world. Countries such as China, Poland and Argentina view development of shale gas as a key means to achieve energy security. On the other hand, countries such as France and Bulgaria are concerned about the impact on the environment and, therefore, continue to impose a moratorium on shale gas-related activities. The hydrocarbon regulatory regime in most countries was developed prior to the shale boom and relates to conventional exploration and development. Countries that anticipate an upturn in their shale-related activity may need to modify their existing regulations to


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