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驻英大使在女性破冰者组织成立仪式上的讲话时间:2011-06-30 19:58来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1214次中国驻英国大使刘晓明在48家集团俱乐部“女性破冰者”组织成立仪式上的讲话2011年6月29日,伦敦新议会大厦Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Launch of the 48 Group Club Women Icebreakers29 June 2011, Portcullis House 尊敬的各位议员,尊敬的佩里主席,“女性破冰者”执委会主席李莉,女士们、先生们:My Lords, MPs, Mr Stephen Perry, Ms Lillian Davies,Ladies and gentlemen,很高兴出席48家集团俱乐部“女性破冰者”组织成立仪式。我谨致以热烈的祝贺。I most warmly welcome this initiative of Women Icebreakers by the 48 Group Club. Also I would like to congratulate Ms Lillian Davies, and the Treasurer of the 48 Group Club, Ms Mei Sim Lai. I learned that it is through their efforts we have gathered today a very distinguished group of British women.I applaud this new initiative that will make a contribution to deepening and strengthening links between China and Britain. In a fast changing world, it becomes ever more challenging to keep pace with levels of understanding between the nations of the world. In turn that means there is an ever increasing need for boosting the work of the 48 Group Club. The spirit of the 48 Group Clubs commitment to developing positive relations with China has never been more important.参加今天这个活动前,我脑子里一直在迸现几个数字。It may be helpful to share with you my thoughts on this occasion in the context of a few numbers.首先是“一”,这是我出任中国驻英大使以来第一次出席妇女活动。第一次活动本身也是一种“破冰”,这与今天成立的组织的名称也十分吻合。这既是一种巧合,也是一种必然,说明中英关系发展到今天,仍需要更多的破冰者,他们不分年龄,不分性别。First the number one. This is the first womens event I have attended as Chinese Ambassador to the UK. I believe this is also an ice-breaking in some ways. This may be just a coincidence, but it also indicates how relevant the ice-breaking spirit remains. We do need new people, who are dedicated to the China-UK friendship, to join the ranks of ice-breakers like you, regardless of age or gender.其次是“二”,即两个妇女组织。这里我还愿代表我夫人,转达另一个妇女组织的祝贺。或许你们还不知道,中国驻英使馆也有一个非常活跃、成员众多的“非政府组织”——妇女小组,由使馆女外交官和外交官夫人组成,而“CEO”就是胡平华女士。中国驻英使馆妇女小组愿与“女性破冰者”建立“长期、特殊、战略伙伴关系”。今后,两个姊妹组织可加强往来与交流,并联合举办一些丰富多彩的活动,共同促进中英了解与友谊。Next is the numbe


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