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江 苏 大 学 本 科 毕 业 论 文 题 目: 中国居民储蓄行为研究 学生姓名: 朱瑞梅 班级学号: 金融学3080802007 所在院系: 金融系 指导教师: 袁仕陈 完成日期: 2012年6月 摘要 随着我国从计划经济向市场经济的转变,我国居民储蓄也发生了巨大的变化。全国居民储蓄存款余额已经从1978 年的210.6 亿元上升到2011 年的826701 亿元。我国居民储蓄持续快速增长主要表现两方面。一方面,中国最终储蓄率持续偏高;另一方面我国居民的存款储蓄持续快速增长,而且存款储蓄的增长速度也远远超过了国民生产总值的增长速度。储蓄的高增长是一把“双刃剑”,为经济、金融的发展提供了强大的资金保障的同时,也给整个经济的持续发展带来了隐患.本文从分析西方主要的储蓄理论开始,结合我国目前社会现状,理论分析和实证相结合,探讨我国现阶段居民储蓄行为的特征,研究分析出影响现阶段居民储蓄行为的各方因素。针对这些因素,提出合理的政策建议,以期解决我国目前储蓄负缺口问题。 关键词:居民储蓄;储蓄行为;储蓄行为特征;持久性收入;西方储蓄理论 Abstract 【Abstract】Along with our country from the planned economy to the market economy, our country savings has changed greatly. The national savings deposit balance has from 1978 in 21.06 billion yuan rise in 2011 to 82.6701 trillion yuan. Our residents to saving the rapid growth main show two aspects. On the one hand, Chinas eventual savings rates remain high; On the other hand of the residents of our country deposit savings continued rapid growth, and the speed of growth in the savings account is far beyond the increase of GDP. High savings is a double-edged sword, for economic and financial development provides a powerful funding, but also give the sustainable development of the whole economy brought hidden trouble. Based on the analysis of the main western theory to start saving, and combining with Chinas current social status, the theoretical analysis and empirical combination, discusses our country present stage residents of saving behavior characters, the present paper analyses the influence factors of the residents saving behavior all parties. According to these factors, this paper puts forward reasonable policy Suggestions to solve our country at present the savings negative gap problem. key words:savings;saving behavior;saving behavior characteristics;influence factors; western theory of savings deposit 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 第一章 选题的意义和研究现状 1 1.1 选题背景与意义 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 2 1.2.1 国外研究现状 2 1.2.2国内问题研究情况 2 1.3 研究方法与


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