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Gone with the Wind 信息院测控1002班 夏晓梁 “I have forgot much, Cynara! gone with the wind”( 书名取自恩斯特·道森的诗:“我忘却的太多了,Cynara!随风而去。” ) The novel is one of the most popular books of all time, selling more than 30 million copies. About the author: Margaret Mitchell(玛格丽特·米切尔) “Gone with the Wind” embodies Margaret (1900.10.8 - 1949.8.16) ten years of effort, this is the only publication of her novel during her life. She began writing “Gone with the Wind” in 1926, 10 years after the work was published. Inception in 1936, the novel has sold briskly, not only in the United States, but around the world are loved by readers. 玛格丽特·米切尔凭借唯一一部长篇小说《飘》声名大振,奠定了她在文学领域的崇高地位。 This story was happened during the American Civil War(美国南北战争).Scarlett (斯卡利特,或斯嘉丽)was a beautiful and nourish girl who spent her young maiden years at Tara Manor(塔拉庄园).She was well disciplined by her mother, but in fact she was capricious(任性的,反复无常的). Husband to Melanie Hamilton and object of Scarletts life-long fantasy. He is a true member of the old south who feels unable to cope with the new world. Wife to Ashley Wilkes and sister-in-law to Scarlett. Described by Rhett as the only truly kind person he has ever known. Who is in love with Scarlett from the moment he sees her and the one Scarlett really love. She dreamed to marry the son of another manor Ashley(阿希礼) . But Ashley, the man she had wanted for so long, chose to marry his cousin, Melanie(梅拉妮). Because of envy, she married Charles(查尔斯),a men she didn’t love. 她爱的人不爱她。传统绅士阿希礼选择自己表妹梅拉妮,斯卡利特一气之下嫁给了一个自己不爱的人查尔斯。 Soon, the Civil War broke out in the United States. Ashley and Charles joined the war. But Charles died in this war. Scarlett became a widow and she still loved Ashley. 第一任丈夫死于战争,可怜的查尔斯,斯卡利特根本就没有爱过他。 Then Scarlett moves to Atlanta, staying with Melanie, and meets Rhett Butler (瑞特)again and have more opportunities to stay with the man who she love most .But at that time she doesn’t realise that . 欢喜冤家,状况不断 Not after long, the northern people invade Atlanta,


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