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Background: Joshua Bell 约夏.贝尔(1967- ) 美国小提琴家,出身于印第安纳,受业于吉戈德(Josef Gingold),1981年14岁就与费城管弦乐团合作演出,在科蒂斯音乐学院学习,毕业后与美国各大乐团合作协奏曲,也参加室内乐演出.其演奏追求音色的表达与细腻的层次显示,在室内乐方面似有更好的表现. 知音难觅 43分钟仅赚32.17美元 更令贝尔泄气的是,几乎所有人都没能认出他这位天天出现在电视杂志上的明星人物。只有一位女士在表演接近尾声时才终于认出了这位演奏家,赞赏他一番。 而在43分钟表演结束后,贝尔没有得到如雷掌声,总计只得到了32.17美元的可怜收入。 Pearls Before Breakfast Can one of the nations great musicians cut through the fog of a D.C. rush hour? Lets find out. – deck By Gene Weingarten Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, April 8, 2007; W10 (Parody: 这个成语源自《新约。马太福音》第7章:“Give not that which is holy unto the dogs,neither cast ye your pearls before swine,lest they trample them under their feet,and turn again and rend you”.由于to cast pearls efore swine,比喻确切,在后世不断引用中而成为一个国际性成语,常用来表示to offer sth valuable or dbeautiful to those who cant appreciate it;to give what is precious to those who are unable to understand its value等意思,含有轻蔑嘲笑色彩。按其字面意义,这个成语与汉语成语“明珠按投”相似,但是寓意不同,基本上不对应;按一比喻意义,它相当于“对牛弹琴”,“向驴说经”“一番好意给狗吃”“狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心”等 HE EMERGED FROM THE METRO AT THE LENFANT PLAZA STATION AND POSITIONED HIMSELF AGAINST A WALL BESIDE A TRASH BASKET. By most measures, he was nondescript: a youngish white man in jeans, a long-sleeved T-shirt and a Washington Nationals baseball cap. From a small case, he removed a violin. Placing the open case at his feet, he shrewdly threw in a few dollars and pocket change as seed money, swiveled it to face pedestrian traffic, and began to play. (to set the tone and around the reader’s curiosity-is he a common street artist? Is there anything weird to happen?) It was 7:51 a.m. on Friday, January 12, the middle of the morning rush hour. In the next 43 minutes, as the violinist performed six classical pieces, 1,097 people passed by. Almost all of them were on the way to work, which meant, for almost all of them, a government job. LEnfant Plaza is at the nucleus of federal Washington, and these were mostly mid-level bureaucrats with those indeterminate, oddly fungible titles: policy analyst, projec


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