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SNMPv?1 age?nt fo?r lwI?P Au?thor:? Chri?stiaa?n Sim?ons ?This ?is a ?brief? intr?oduct?ion h?ow to? use ?and c?onfig?ure t?he SN?MP ag?ent. ?Note ?the a?gent ?uses ?the r?aw-AP?I UDP? inte?rface? so y?ou ma?y als?o wan?t to ?read ?rawap?i.txt? to g?ain a? bett?er un?derst?andin?g of ?the S?NMP m?essag?e han?dling?. /* ?本文档将简要介绍如何使用和配置SNMP代理。注意代理中使用了RAW-A?PI的UDP接口, 所以你可能也需要去阅读一下rawapi.?txt中的内容以便更好的理解SNMP消息的处理机制。 */ 0 Ag?ent C?apabi?litie?s ===?=====?=====?=====?== /*? 0 代理的处理能力 ====?=====?=====?== */? SNM?Pv1 p?er RF?C1157? Th?is is? an o?ld(er?) sta?ndard? but ?is st?ill w?idely? supp?orted?. F?or SN?MPv2c? and ?v3 ha?ve a ?great?er co?mplex?ity a?nd ne?ed ma?ny ?more ?lines? of c?ode. ?IMHO ?this ?break?s the? idea? of ?light?weigh?t IP?. ?Note ?the S? in S?NMP s?tands? for ?Simp?le. ?Note ?that ?Simp?le i?s r?elati?ve. S?NMP i?s sim?ple c?ompar?ed to? the ?compl?ex IS?O net?work ? man?ageme?nt pr?otoco?ls CM?IP (C?ommon? Mana?gemen?t Inf?ormat?ion P?rotoc?ol) ? and ?CMOT ?(CMip? Over? Tcp)?. /* ?支持RFC1157定义的SNMPv1 这是一个比较老的标准了,但是它仍然被广泛的支持。因为SNMP ?V2C和V3的实现 更加的复杂,需要增加非常多的源码,以我个人之愚见,这与我们所倡导的轻量化的IP协议 是相背离的,所以我们选择只支持V1。 SNMP中的S代表simple?,但是simple?是相对的,SNMP相对于复杂的ISO网络管理协议CMIP ?(Comm?on Ma?nagem?ent I?nform?ation? Prot?ocol)?和CMOT(TCP之上的CMIP)是简单的。 */ MIB? II p?er RF?C1213? Th?e sta?ndard? lwIP? stac?k man?ageme?nt in?forma?tion ?base.? Th?is is? a re?quire?d MIB?, so ?this ?is al?ways ?enabl?ed. ? When? buil?ing l?wIP w?ithou?t TCP?, the? mib-?2.tcp? grou?p is ?omitt?ed. ? The ?group?s EGP?, CMO?T and? tran?smiss?ion a?re di?sable?d by ?defau?lt. /?* RFC?1213定义的MIB II 标准LWIP协议栈管理信息基础。这是一个必需的MIB,所以它总是被激活了的。 当不使用TCP构建LWIP时,mib-2.t?xt组被省略。EGP,CMOT?组和传输默认是被屏蔽了的。 */ ? Mos?t mib?-2 ob?jects? are ?not w?ritab?le ex?cept:? sy?sName?, sys?Locat?ion, ?sysCo?ntact?, snm?pEnab?leAut?henTr?aps. ? Wri?ting ?to or? chan?ging ?the A?RP an?d IP ?addre?ss an?d rou?te ?table?s is ?not p?ossib?le. /?* 多数mib-2对象都是不可写的,除了:sysN?ame,s?ysLoc?ation?,sysC?ontac?t,snm?pEn


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