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Unit 1 Friendship ;Teaching aims单元目标;add vt vi.增加, 添加 , 增添. ①Add up your score and see how many points you get.(L1P1)把分数加起来,看看得分多少 ②This bad weather added to our difficulties. 这坏天气增加了我们的困难。 【归纳】① add up sth. 把…加起来 ;② add… to… 把…加到…里; ③ add to sth. 增添/加某事物 ④ add up to = come to 总计 【练习】①If you ______ 5 ___ 3 you get 8. ② Fireworks ____________the attraction of the festival night. ③ His whole school education ____________ no more than one year.;2. upset ① adj.心烦意乱的;不适的 Your friend comes to school upset .(L14P1) 你的朋友来上学时心情很不好。 She was upset over her baby’s illness. 她孩子生病,心烦意乱。 ②vt/vi (upset; upset)使不安;打翻,推翻: I upset soup all over the table. 我把汤打翻在桌上了。;Waiting for buses always upsets passengers. 等公共汽车总是使人心烦意乱的。 【归纳】本课中的upset 是形容词做伴随状语。又如: ①She was lying in bed, awake, listening to the music.她躺在床上,醒着,听着音乐。 ②The goat rolled over, dead.山羊打了一个滚,死了 【练习】孩子们回了家,又饥饿又困乏。 ;3.concern n vt 关心的事;关系到;与…有关;和…有牵连 ①You will tell your friend that you are concerned about him/her.(L17 P1) 你告诉你的朋友你很关心他(她)。 ②The news concerns your brother 这条消息与你的兄弟有关。 ③Im not concerned with that matter any longer 我不想再涉及这个事件。;【归纳拓展】 be concerned with(concern oneself with)与……有关的 be concerned about/for(concern oneself about/for) 关心 as/so far as...be concerned 就…而言 concerning关于 ;【练习】 ①I am living in school and mother _____________________(妈妈很为我担心)。 ② The meeting was concerned________   reforms and everyone was concerned_____ their own interests. ;4. go through穿过;经历(困难,磨难);被正式通过;仔细检查 ① …or just would not understand what you are going through?(L3P2) …或者你的朋友就不明白你所经历的?;②We went through a period in which communications were very difficult in the rural areas.(2008上海)我们经历了一个时期,在偏远地方此时期的??讯非常困难。 ③We spent several days going through all materials.我们花好几天查了资料。;【归纳拓展】 get through 穿过;(使)通过; 通过(考试);完成(某事);度过(时间);接通电话 pass through 穿过;经历 look through 浏览;往…里看 【实战练兵】根据意思用动词短语填空 ① Two months later, the law _______ . ② I have ______________ all my pockets but I can’t find my k


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