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Shabby: 破烂的 Shoddy: made or done cheaply and badly, usu. to look like sth. better Effect-cause pattern Broad Question Which factor does he regard as primary, human or technology ? Why ? Writing technique Exposition: Cause and Effect exemplification, illustration and contrast to develop a topic through a causal analysis Vocabulary 1.attribute (sth.) to (sb.) : being the result of / coming from --This song is usually attributed to Bach. 这首歌通常被认为是巴和所作。 ---Susan attributes her success to hard work. 2.Savant [ s?v?nt] : a learned man 3.corollary || k?r?l?r?] (fml): natural consequence or result --the corollary to sb.’s argument 某人论据推断的结果 4.shoddy: of poor quality or badly made 劣质的/粗制滥造的 5. forestall: prevent or defeat (a person or his plans) by acting first(用先发制人的手段)预先阻止 6. do the trick: (informal) to fulfill one’s purpose or intention (口) 有效,达到目的 E.g.: This medicine ought to do the trick. 7. seaworthy: (of a ship) in good condition and fit for a sea voyage 适于航海,适航行 8. Evoke: bring forth, call up, cause sth to be remembered or expressed E.g.: The songs evoked memories of my school days. 9. Fashion: v. make or shape sth, using hands only or a few tools ~ A from B; ~ B into A: 10. Alination from: separation from Q A What role does Murphy’s Law play in Harris’s writing ? Which sentence in Para.1 tells us that Harris think Murphy’s Law is irresistible? What does “input” mean in Line 8 ? Gauge?[ge?d?] :标准尺,量表 E.g. air pressure gauge 气压计 Oil gauge:油表 be gauged by Maintenance: 维修,保养 Devices used in Exposition Q A 4. Why does Harris think that people nowadays honor the label “handmade” ? 5. Find out the devices used in the expository writing in this paragraph. 回顾一下史前和工业化前人类的物质文 明有助于阐述我的观点。只有去摆放着史 前社会人工制品的博物馆参观一下,就足 以驳倒质量取决于技术的观点。那些人工 制品虽然设计简单甚至原始,但是制造出 就能满足设想的作用,而且可靠,耐用终 身。当我们看重“手工制作”的标签,愿意 为日渐减少的工匠们制作的珠宝、衣服和 手袋多花钱时,我们承认质量不取决于技术。 Q A What is the source of quality in Para.3 ? 划分主干: What is the source of quality (that one finds, le


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