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莎伦真幽默Sharon is a very funny woman,
但她比我对美国个人主义更没有信心but she has less faith in American individualism than I do.
慢着 我很有...Hang on, I have plenty of--
我什么时候说没信心了When did I ever express any lack of faith?
年大选期间 麦凯恩针对奥巴马提出的财富均沾\N攻击奥巴马为社会主义者[美国人谈社色变]
我绝对没说过奥巴马是社会主义者I didnt say and never said that Barack Obama was a socialist.
-当真吗 -我一直都是这么说...- Seriously? - What I said and I have always said...
路易斯 别逼我放录音Lewis, you are begging me to run a sound package
周一早上 你无数次地宣称Monday morning that shows you hundreds of times
总统是社会主义者calling the president a socialist.
我可以现场读一段你的专栏Ill read your columns on the air.
我指的是政策 去查字典The policies are... look up the definition,
奥巴马的医改和加税政策 被认为是社会主义
那些都是社会主义政策my friend... theyre socialist.
照你这么说 罗纳德·里根也是了By your definition, so were Ronald Reagans.
共和党总统里根 虽大力减税 但上台后也曾加过税\N这里讽刺对方狭义地把加税等同于社会主义
你以为收税是为了什么What do you think taxes are?
里根之后就没出过伟大领袖了That was the last great president.
个人主义又不能拿来修路American individualism cant build roads.
-个人... -说吧 尽管说- An individual... - Go on, get it all out.
多谢 这问题本来就是问我的Thank you, since the question was addressed to me.
单凭个人 建不起学校An individual cant build a school
也集结不了军队or assemble an army...
没有人说要解散军队No ones talking about disbanding the army.
这点上政府是有好处的 承认吗So we can agree that the government is good for that?
-对 行了 -很好- Yes. Fine. - Yes.
消防局 是不是好主意A fire department Good idea or bad idea?
你别太激动 莎伦You are getting so worked up, Sharon.
小心屁股着火了Im afraid youre gonna start shooting light out of your ass.
有消防局到底是好还是坏Good idea or bad idea on the fire department?
美国部分地区消防私营化 家庭要定期缴纳防火费\N而奥巴马支持消防国有化
难道你喜欢私营的消防局Or should it be a private fire department
按期交了保护费 他们才会来救火that only comes to your burning house if you paid your monthly fire bill?
我很乐意交钱给消防局I am more than happy to pay for a fire department.
但我不愿意把钱花在I am not happy to pay for a painting
我不想看的画作和不想读的诗词上面that I dont wanna look at, poetry I dont wanna read.
共和党主张取消艺术基金会 以削减开支
你不能直奔艺术基金会问题You c