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成功路上不容忽视的5种重要技能 1.Communication 沟通 You may have the greatest ideas in the company, but no one will know that if you cant communicate them. 你或许有公司里最了不起的想法,但如果你不不能很好地把自己的想法表达出来,别人怎会知道? Its important to be clear and professional in your communications, whether thats over email, in meetings, or one-on-one. Observe colleagues and superiors whom you admire to see if you can learn and adopt their most effective communications techniques. Take care in composing emails to your boss, colleagues and clients; dont get lazy simply because of the communications medium. 不论是电子邮件往来、现场会议,还是一对一交流,简洁且专业的沟通都至关重要。可以观察你敬佩的同事和上级,看看能否学习和采用他们最有效的沟通技巧。在给上司、同事和客户写电子邮件时要多花些心思;不要因为沟通媒介的不同而心生懒惰。 The ability to effectively communicate really is the bedrock to developing critical relationships within the organization itself and sets the tone for development and movement, says Michael Steinerd, director of recruiting for Indeed. 专门负责招聘事务的迈克尔-斯特因奈德说:“有效沟通的能力是在机构内部培养关键关系的基础,能奠定个人发展、进步的基调。” To be an effective communicator, its just as important to listen and ask questions as it is to put forth your own ideas. Listening carefully to your audience will help you determine whether your ideas are being understood, and gauge how well your goals jibe with the interests of the people youre addressing. 要成为高效的沟通者,最重要的是在表达自己观点的时候学会倾听和提出问题。仔细倾听听众的反应可以帮助你确定他们是否理解了你的想法,同时还可以估量你的目标是否与听众的兴趣相一致。 Prepare in advance, and practice what youre going to say. When you get on the phone with a client, when you go into an internal meeting, when you are talking to your boss in a performance review, preparation is really key to getting your point across, says Peggy Klaus, an executive coach and author of The Hard Truth About Soft Skills. You want to develop the ability to speak with both warmth and strength, using both parts of your personality to be dynamic and impactful. 提前进行准备,不断练习要讲的内容。高管教练、《软技能,硬道理》(The Hard Truth About Soft Skills)一书的作者佩吉-克劳斯说:“在与客户电话沟通的时候,参加内部会议的时候,或者在绩效评估时与上司交流的时候,提前准备是清楚表达自己观点的关键。”你要培养自己“在说话的时候充满热情与力量,利用自


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