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四六级翻译必备词汇及短语 词汇篇 1、经济 economic globalization(经济全球化) sustainable development(可持续发展) unfair competition(不正当竞争) crack down on fake commodities (打假) booming(繁荣的) fierce competition(激烈竞争) credit crisis(信用危机) stabilize prices (稳定物价) 2、文化: great and profound (博大精深的) integration and interaction(融合交汇) crash(碰撞) charming(极具魅力的) splendid(壮丽辉煌的) English fever(英语热) 3、环保: environment-friendly(生态型的,环保的) threat of global warming(全球变暖的威胁) promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth(促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变) curb environmental pollution/ bring the pollution under control(治理环境污染) develop renewable resources (开发可再生资源) a low-carbon economy (低碳经济) 4、科技: science and technology(科学技术) web-addiction(沉迷网络) computer crime(电脑犯罪) e-commerce(电子商务) virtual life (虚拟生活) information era(信息时代) cyber romance(网恋) surf the Internet(网上冲浪) 5、就业: applicant(申请人) position available/ vacant position(空缺职位) competent(能胜任的) be qualified for(合格的) proficiency(熟练程度) job arrangement and benefit(工作待遇和福利) promotion (晋升) 6、大学生活/教育: cultivate(培养) further one’s study (深造) quality education(素质教育) foster abilities(培养能力) relieve the burden on students(减轻学生负担) be occupied with so much schoolwork(忙于功课) place emphasis on(以…为重心) comprehensive(全面的,广泛的) practical capability(实际能力) duck-stuffing(填鸭式) 7、社会现象: enlightening(富有启发的) cause alarm and attention(引起了警惕和重视) set good example for(为…树立榜样) dedicate(做贡献) take action (采取行动) ensure implementing activities(确保执行) vulnerable(易诱惑的,易受影响的) be supposed to(应该) 8、人物特征、情感描写: strong-minded(坚强的) industrious(勤奋的) promising(有前途的) dynamic(有生机的;有活力的) responsible(有责任心的) influential(有影响力的) profound(渊博精深的) devoted(忠实的,投入的) warm-hearted(热心的) 句型词组搭配 1. 随着经济的繁荣 with the booming of the economy 2. 随着人民生活水平的显著提高 with the remarkable improvement of peoples living standard 3. 先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology 4. 为我们日常生活增添了情趣 add much flavor to our daily life 5. 人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed that… 6. 我同意前者(后者)观点 I give my vote to the former / latter opinion. 7. 引起了广泛的公众关注 sth.


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