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社會學習理論-2 替代學習 當個人(或學習者)藉由觀察他人(模範)所採取的行為,並觀察到他人在採取行為後受到正面增強後,就會產生激勵作用。 又稱為觀察學習 9-* 社會學習理論-3 自我增強物 因為有良好的績效,人們會給自己想要的、具有吸引力的結果或報酬。 自我功效 個人對於自己有能力成功從事某行為的信念。 9-* 9.7 薪資與激勵-1 各種激勵理論都間接說明薪資的重要,以及薪資必須根據績效的事實: 期望理論。工具(也就是績效與結果,如薪資)的關聯必須要高,激勵才會高。 需求理論。人們必須能夠滿足需求才會有高績效,而薪資可用來滿足各種不同的需求。 公平理論。結果(如薪資)必須與投入(包括績效水準)成比例。 9-* 9.7 薪資與激勵-2 目標設定理論。結果(如薪資)必須與目標的達成建立連結關係。 學習理論。結果(如薪資)的提供必須根據組織功能行為的績效而定。 9-* 根據個人、團體或組織績效為基礎來發放績效獎金 功績制 根據績效來支付報酬。 9-* 加薪或給予紅利方式? 員工股票選擇權 讓持有者有權在特定時間幅度內或特定情況下,以特定的價格購買公司股票的財務工具。 9-* 功績制的範例-1 計件報酬制 員工是以產出數量為報酬基準 佣金報酬制 員工的薪酬是根據銷售的百分比來計算 9-* 功績制的範例-2 史甘隆計畫 致力於降低費用與成本 利潤分享 每位員工都會享有組織利潤的一部分 9-* * * Intrinsically Motivated Behavior Behavior that is performed for its own sake. The source of the motivation that comes from actually engaging in the behavior. The sense of accomplishment and achievement derived from doing the work itself Extrinsically Motivated Behavior Behavior that is performed to acquire material or social rewards or to avoid punishment. The source of the motivation is the consequences of the behavior and not the behavior itself. * Intrinsically Motivated Behavior Behavior that is performed for its own sake. The source of the motivation that comes from actually engaging in the behavior. The sense of accomplishment and achievement derived from doing the work itself Extrinsically Motivated Behavior Behavior that is performed to acquire material or social rewards or to avoid punishment. The source of the motivation is the consequences of the behavior and not the behavior itself. * * * Expectancy: Effort will result in a level of performance. Employees will work hard if they believe they can attain high performance—organizations must provide the resources that support performance. Instrumentality: Performance leads to outcomes. Workers are only motivated if they think performance leads to an outcome—managers must link performance to outcomes. Valence: How desirable an outcome is to a person. Workers have preferences for o
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