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课程:英美诗歌 教材:英美诗歌教程 A Course of English and American Poetry 开课院系:外国语学院 任课教师:张立光 周学时:2 总学时:30 本课程的教学目的:本课程旨在通过英美诗歌史的介绍及具体的文本阅读,让学生比较系统地了解并掌握英美诗歌的发展,了解英诗在各个历史时期的形式、风格、技巧和与之相关的时代背景、文学思潮等,掌握诗歌分析和欣赏的基本方法。 教学内容及基本要求:比较系统和全面地介绍英美诗歌的发展历史,分析各个时期英美诗歌的经典佳作,阐述这些诗作的格式、韵律、风格和诗歌创作理论。通过比较详尽的分析,让学生掌握英诗的特点,提高他们欣赏英语的能力以及分析水平,熟悉英语诗歌的创作理论。本课程要求学生除了了解英美诗史和选读诗作以外,还应扩大自己的阅读范围,广泛地阅读相关的翻译和赏析材料以及其它优秀的英美诗作,提高自身对英美诗歌的理解和欣赏水平。 考核方式及要求: 笔记、随堂讨论与期末考查相结合。 General introduction of British literature PERIODS Of BRITISH LITERATURE 1.449-1485 The Middle Ages The Old English (or Anglo-Saxon)Period (449-1066) The Middle English Period(or Anglo-Norman)(1066-1485) 2.1485-1660 The English Renaissance The Beginning of the English Renaissance (1485-1558) The Elizabethan Age (1558-1603) The Seventeenth Century (1603-1660) 3.1660-1798 The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century (or The Neoclassical Period) The Restoration (1660-1700) The Augustan Age (1700-1745) The Neoclassical Decline (1745-1798) 4.1798-1832 The Age of Romanticism 5.1832-1901 The Victorian Age 6.1901- The Twentieth Century Three periods of English poetry: The Old English period (5th -12th ) The Middle English period (12th -15th ) Modern English period (15th --- ) Four cultures: Germanic culture Latin culture Modern British and Atlantic culture Celtic culture One Spiritual element------ Christianity History of English poetry The Old English Period (5th -12th ) -----non-British; of three Germanic tribes; ( material, background and language ) -----original poems orally passed down, later written manuscript ( about 30,000 lines preserved in four manuscripts ) . -----material loneliness and sadness in front of nature power; religious poems -----rhyme scheme: alliteration -----representative work(s): Beowulf ----the national epic of the English people. It is of Germanic heritage, perhaps the greatest Germanic epic,


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