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汉 语 流 行 词 语 参 考 译 法

汉 语 流 行 词 语 参 考 译 法 爱岗敬业 To dedicate to one’s work and career; one’s dedication to one’s work 安居工程 A housing program 安全责任制 Safety responsibility system 把国民经济搞上去 To make the national economy expanding 白吃白喝 To freeload; to be freeloader 百分制 100-mark system; 0-100 exam standard 保持良好地发展势头 To maintain a healthy development 被逼上梁山(被逼得走投无路) To be driven to the wall 被蒙在鼓里 To be kept in the dark 本位主义 Departmental selfishness “编内” In-staff “编外” Out-staff 不及当年 To be only a shadow of one’s former self 不夜城 A city without night 不正之风 Dishonesty; bad practice 博士点 A doctorate program 差额选举 competitive/selective election 拆东墙补西墙 To rob Peter to pay Paul 长期亏损 To have long operated at a loss 超计划生育的“黑孩子” Off the book babies 承担后果 To face the music; to shoulder the consequences 吃闭门羹 To be to a locked door (在某人那里)吃得开 To have a big drag with sb.; to be on good terms with sb. 吃苦头 To burn one’s fingers in doing sth. 吃老本 To rest on one’s laurels 吃了上顿没下顿 Not know where the next meal comes 重复建设 Overlapping construction (具有)崇高的精神境界 (with) the lofty moral stature of ...... 出台(政策等) To introduce/work out a policy etc. 除非太阳从西边出来 Till pigs can fly 传销 Pyramid selling 创新 To blaze new trails; to make innovations 从全局出发 To do sth. with a sense of the whole 达标 To measure up in... ...; To come up to the standard of ... ... 打翻身仗 To struggle for major advances 打退堂鼓 To back out 大包干 All round contract system 当二把手 To play second fiddle 到位 (保证......的资金到位) To be available; the availability of ... ... (to ensure the availability of the funds for ... ...; or to ensure adequate funds for ... ...) 定向委培 To send students fro training at a specific school 定向招生 To train students for pre-determined employers 夺魁 To gain the top position 多头管理 Overlapping management 发挥余热 To offer (use) one’s availability after retirement;to continue to do one’s bit after retirement 法制化 Legalize; institutionalize 法制观念 Awareness (understanding) of law; sense o



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