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与文明握手,与礼貌同行 中国素有“文明礼仪之邦”的美称,纵观华夏五千年悠悠历史,中华民族的文明与礼仪,像一颗明亮的恒星熠熠生辉。 俗话说“礼多不伤人”,礼貌无时不刻不像一缕和谐春风和我们息息相关。有了它,人们会感到无形的温馨和温暖,没了它,人们一样能活,但绝不会像在春风中活的那样舒服,那样有色彩,这便是文明礼貌的重要性。 同学们在日常生活中学习中亦是如此,文明礼仪体现了一个人的道德素养,素质,以及人生追求。大而化之,文明礼仪有时可以体现一个家庭的文明素养,甚至是一个国家。有这样一个故事。有一个年轻人去新应聘的公司碰巧又不认识去公司的路。这可把他急坏了,就在这时,迎面走了过来一位老者,也许是因为太着急了,以至于他连个招呼都没打就着急向老者询问:“哎!某某公司怎么走?”只见老者拉下了脸,毫不客气地说了句:“五里!”(无礼)那位年轻人沿着那条路一直走了五里,却连公司的影都没见到。他又仔细回想老者的话,心里若有所思。 这个故事告诉我们文明和礼貌是我们生活中必不可少的。有时,它显得似乎不那么起眼,但必要的时候,它甚至可以改变我们的一生。 那么我们又如何做到真正的“与文明握手,与礼貌同行”呢? 我们不难发现,我们的身边有很多文明礼貌的行为,例如:在学校见到老师主动问好,同学之间彬彬有礼,谦虚和气;在校外,坐公交时见到老弱妇孺主动让座,对待父母恭敬有加,尊老爱幼等。这些带给我们正能量的行为,都是我们应该努力做到的。 为了真正做到文明和礼貌,我们不妨从一点一滴的小事做起,从身边做起。 让我们携起手来,共同为文明礼貌而努力,让文明之花,盛开在我们美丽的翰林! Civilization and Politeness China is well-known as the civilized ceremonies. It has five thousand- years-long history, the Chinese nations civilization and etiquette look like a bright star . As the old saying , Don’t not hurt the civilized people. Every moment the politeness likes the spring wind which is close to us. With it, people will feel warm and comfortable, but without it, as people can live, but it will not be like living in the spring as well. This is the importance of civility. It is the same as the students learn in the daily life. The civility reflects a persons moral qualities as well as the pursuit of life. There is such a story. There is a young man walking to the new company. But he doesn’t know the way to it. Luckily he meets an old man, he asks him,” Hi, where is the company?” The old man looks very unhappy, and said,”Wu li ”. It means “rude” factly. But the young man didn’t know, but walked along the road five miles. Certainly he didn’t find the company, so now he carefully recall the words of the old man. He realized he was unimpolite. This story tells us that civilization and manners are essential in our lives. Sometimes, it seems unimportant, but when it is necessary, it can even change our lives. So how can we be really civilized and polite? We find that there are many pol


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