Where did you go教案1.doc

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Where did you go教案1

Title Where did you go? Language Focus Function 围绕着谈论过去发生的事情这一主题展开对话。 Content analysis 本课主要学习如何 Students 二年级的小学生活泼好动,好奇心强,喜欢表现自己。通过一段时间的学习,他们已经掌握了一些基本的单词和句型,能交流简单的个人信息。对新知识很好奇,但是往往因为年纪小而掌握得不够牢固,需要老师通过各种方式反复的操练、不断的强化才能巩固。 Task Objectives 知识目标: 能理解、听懂句型 Important difficult Points 重点:能运用目标语句谈论过去发生的事情。 难点:能够灵活自如地提问和回答。 Realia 多媒体课件、卡片等。 Methods 多媒体教学、小组合作、分层次教学、任务型教学等。 Teaching Model 任务启动-任务提出-任务准备-任务完成-总结及作业 steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purpose 热 身 复 习 1.Listen and do the actions. 2.Game: Magic Eyes. 听指令通过为下一步学习作铺垫。 提 出 任 务 导入T: I went to the zoo yesterday. Where did you go? T: Maybe some students can’t say it in English. Today we’ll learn how to ask about the place. Let’s learn Module 8 Unit 2 (板书课题) T:Listen and tell me: “ How did the teacher ask?”(找生翻译该问题). S:(可能用汉语说) 利用询问真实地点来引出本课任务,有利于让学生明确本节课的学习任务,目的明确。 任 务 准 备 语篇整体感知 Listen to the text. T: (点击图片,呈现男孩的回答) 听音跟读答案。 听录音,初步感知、理解课文。 重点讲解 T: Answer my questions. Where did you go yesterday? T: Do you know where did I go? Who can ask me? T: I stayed at home. (学习句型) (呈现词卡,点读等多种方法教授) Let’s play a game. Take out a piece of paper. Please write down a place you went yesterday. I will find a student to read out the place. If you wrote down the same place. You stand up and say out loudly. T: Yesterday was holiday. Where did the children go? Let’s listen. S1: I went to?S2: I went to?S1: Where did you go? S1: I went to the zoo S2: I went to the zoo. s听音,找出答案 开火车读,个别读词。 学生回答。 听音跟读课文 利用学生喜欢的卡通片角色唤起学生对英语表演的兴趣,符合小学生的心理特点。 边听边指有效地调动了学生的多种感官,加强学习效果。让个别学生展示,起到了榜样示范的作用。 全班操练 T:Work in pairs. One will read the boy’s words, and the other will read the girl’s words. T:Let’s say it together. Boys stand up! Please read the boy’s words. And let the girls read the girl’s words. 同桌合作扮演不同角色。 集体分角色说路线。 同桌合作加大训练密度。 任 务 完 成 重点操练 拓展运用 1.T: Let’s play a game: “guess place”. S1:Where did you go? S2: I went to the park. 2.Now look at the picture. Let’s try to choose a place what


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