02 Minitab 基础操作.ppt

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02 Minitab 基础操作

Minitab菜单的功能—Editor编辑 设定列宽 隐藏选定的列 设置数据的小数点位数 设定日期格式 工作表描述 改变输入方向 中文版编辑菜单 图片编辑 输入文字,画各种图形 编辑 刷子模式 十字模式 放大 用brush可以直接显示出各点数据 项目管理器 内容列表 对话文件夹 历史文件夹 Graph文件夹 项目报告本 相关文件 工作表活页夹 项目管理器 文件夹 内 容 用 途 Session Folder(会话) 指令执行与输出 可以拷贝,删除,更改输出数据.可以将输出添加到报告Reportpad History Folder(历史纪录) 所有操作指令 重复操作步骤 Graph Folder(图形) 输出图表 可以修改图表标题与内容 可以将图表输出到报告Reportpad ReportPad Folder(报告簿) 整理报告 可以转存为RTF格式 Related Document Folder(相关文档) 列出与项目相关的文件 可以增加与项目有关的非minitab文件 Worksheet Folder(工作表) 每一个工作包含的资料 工作表的摘要内容 Minitab菜单的功能—Window窗口 中文版窗口菜单 英文版窗口菜单 Minitab菜单的功能—Help帮助 中文版帮助菜单 英文版帮助菜单 * * Imagine a normal curve on a flipchart--a distribution with the one spec at 12 * Area to the left of 12 represents “good” and area to the right of 12 represents “bad” area * These commands will give us yield * What is the Z-score? One * * Given the yield--.8413--we can find the Z-score * Given a Z-score we can find the yield * If this is short-term data, then the short-term process sigma is 1 * If this is long-term data, then the long-term process sigma is 1 * DPPM is defective parts per million * * The Z-score is--for all practical purposes--one with rounding * * Now let’s work through the two specification case * Z-LSL is equal to -2 and Z-USL is equal to +1 * The area between 9 and 12 represents yield * * The Minitab commands will find the area under the Z curve to the left of +1 * That will not get us yield however * * The area under the Z curve to the left of -2 is 0.0228 * If you subtract 0.0228 from 0.8413 you get a yield of 81.85% * * Notice you must select inverse cumulative probability * The Z score is referred to in other organizations as process sigma * Notice that we have turned the two specification case into a one spec case * We found the Z value such that the area under the curve to the left of that Z value is .8185 (yield) Minitab 使用方法介绍 Minitab基础操作 目录 Minitab基本界面 Minitab菜单介绍 Minitab菜单的功能 Minitab基本界面介绍 会话区 工作表区 Minitab菜单介绍 英文版菜单 中文版菜单 Minitab菜单的功能—File文件 英文版


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