新世纪英语教程1 unit 1 教案.doc

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新世纪英语教程1 unit 1 教案

课程名称 新世纪英语教程1 班级 07会3 授课时间 2008年2月26日 第1周 星期二 第3、4节 教学内容 Unit1 The things unknown to you reading selection 教学目的 使学生正确理解课文A及B,提高学生的阅读理解能力。 2 使学生掌握课文A中的重要的词及词组的用法。 重点与难点 课文A 课文A中的重要词和词组 授课方法 课堂讲解 、提问、 朗读 教学用具 粉笔 黑板 作业 Page9 Ⅱ Page14 ⅠⅡ 教学过程与步骤 Step1 Words Step2 Text A 1 Reading 2 Explaining I. (Para. 1) Introduction Homing pigeons are very intelligent birds. II. (Para.2-6) There are some clues that homing pigeons can find their way home, even if they are taken to a strange place. 1. Homing pigeons dont rely on good eyesight to decide on a fight plan. (Para. 2) 2. Magnetism may be part of the answer. (Para.3) 3. It is possible for them to navigate by the sun and the magnetism. ( Para. 4-5) 4. There are more possibilities. (Para.6) III. (Para.7-8) Conclusion It is a mystery how homing pigeons use all these senses, and it is far from being settled 3.Words and expressions 1).a wide range of 2) be born with 3) compare…with 4) get on with 5) compare…to 6). decide on 4. Consolidation Page 8Ⅰ1-10 Step3 Text B Explaining I. (Para. 1-2) Instruction Scientists have got some animals to predict earthquakes. II. (Para.3-6) Animals often seem to know in advance that an earthquake is coming. 1. They show their fear by acting in strange ways before an earthquake. (Para.3) 2. Which types of animal behaviors predict earthquakes? (Para.4) 3. What kind of warnings do the animals receive? And theres a good example occurred with a group of days. (Para.5-6) III. (Para.7) Conclusion Its a job for future scientists to discover what animals can sense and to learn how they know it is a danger signal Step 4 Homework Page9 Ⅱ Page14 ⅠⅡ 课后小结 课文A 较长、 较难理解,注意结合课后阅读问题加深对课文的理解。 注意compare…with 和compare…to的区别



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