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哈利波特与魔法石(节选并注释)三人进入地下室夺取魔法石,遇到魔法象棋 (节选段所在视频位置01:54:20 ~ 02:06:46 )(三个角色 H: Harry Potter ; R: Ron Weasley [r?n] 罗恩; HG: Hermione [h?:mai?ni] n. 赫敏(女子名))HG: Ow! You stood on my foot! { ow [a?] int. 哦,哎哟(表示疼痛)}R: Sorry. HG: Alohomora. { Alohomora阿咯哈呣啦 (咒语:阿拉霍洞开) }H: Wait a minute. He’s snoring. Snape’s already been here. He’s put a spell on the harp. { snoring [sn?:??] v.打呼噜; Snape n. 斯内普(姓氏); harp [hɑ?p] n. 竖琴}R: Ugh! It’s got horrible breath. { Ugh [?k] int. 啊;呸 }H: We have to move its paw. { paw [p??] n. 爪子;手}R: What?H: Come on! Okay, push! I’ll go first. Don’t follow me until I give you a sign. If something bad happens get yourselves out! Does it seem a bit quiet to you?HG: The harp, it stopped playing. { harp [hɑ?p] n. 竖琴 }R: Ugh! Yuck! Ugh! { Ugh [?k] int. 啊;呸 ; yuck [j?k] int. 啐(表示反感)}H: Jump! R: Woah! Lucky this plant thing’s here really! Woah! { woah哇 }HG: Stop moving, both of you! This is Devil’s Snare. You have to relax! If you don’t, it’ll only kill you faster! { devil [dev(?)l] n. 魔鬼;撒旦; snare [sne?] n. 陷阱;圈套;}R: Kill us faster? Oh now I can relax!H: Hermione! { Hermione [h?:mai?ni] n. 赫敏; }R: Oh now what are we going to do?HG: Just relax!H: Hermione where are you? { Hermione [h?:mai?ni] n. 赫敏(女子名);}HG: Do what I say! Trust me!R: Ah! Harry! Harry!HG: Are you okay?H: Yeah, yeah I’m fine. R: Help!HG: He’s not relaxing is he? H: Apparently not. { apparently [?p?r?ntl?] adv. 显然地;似乎,表面上}R: Help me!HG: We’ve got to do something! R: Help!H: What? HG: I remember reading something in Herbology. “ Devil’s Snare…Devil’s Snare… it’s deadly fun; but will sulk in the sun.” That’s it! Devil’s Snare hates sunlight! Lumus Solem! { herbology [h?:b?l?d?i ] n. [中医] 草药学; devil [dev(?)l] n. 魔鬼;撒旦; snare [sne?] n. 陷阱;圈套;sulk [s?lk] vi. 生气;愠怒 ; lumus solem (巫术语)}H: Ron, are you okay?R: Yeah. Lucky we didn’t panic! { panic [p?n?k] n. 恐慌,惊慌;}H: Lucky Hermione pays attention in Herbology. { Hermione [h?:mai?ni] n. 赫敏(女子名);herbology [h?:b?l?d?i ] n. [中医] 草药学;


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