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攀登英语网 攀登英语网制作 大学英语资源免费下载 攀登英语网新站 新视野大学英语听说教程第一册教案 Unit 1 How’s Your College Life? Ⅰ. Teaching Plan (2 periods) 1st period: Lead-in; Listening (Pair discussions about college life; Listening practice) 2nd period: Speaking (Oral English practice) Ⅱ. Teaching Objectives Students will be able to: 1. follow and pay attention to the pronunciation and the spelling of the names in listening; 2. know the ways of introducing yourself or others in a conversation; 3. understand and talk about college life; 4. conduct a series of listening and speaking activities related to the theme of the unit. Ⅲ. Lead-in (15 minutes) Ask Ss to work in pairs discussing the following questions and then share their answers with the whole class. 1. Where are you from? Can you say something about your hometown? Useful expressions: I come from …, which is located in … Province; ideal location, close to, transportation, weather 2. Why did you choose this university? Useful expressions: a well-known university; the location of this university; the programs, good, not very expensive 3. What’s your major? Why did you choose it? Different majors: (for reference) 环境与资源学院: 环境与安全类 \ 勘查技术与工程 survey technology and engineering\资源环境与城乡规划管理 resources environment, urban rural planning and administration 机械工程及自动化学院: 材料成型及控制工程 material shaping and control engineering\车辆工程vehicle engineering\机械设计制造及其自动化 machinery design manufacture and automation 数学与计算机科学学院: 信息安全 information security\计算机类计算机科学与技术computer science and technology\信息计算科学与应用数学类 information and computational sciences applied mathematics 土木工程学院: 土建综合类 紫金矿业学院: 采矿工程 mining engineering\资源勘查工程 resource exploration engineering 法学院: 法学 公共管理学院: 公共管理类公共管理/事业管理public administration/utility management\物流管理(公管) logistics management 管理学院: 工商管理类 business administration\管理科学与工程类 management science and engineering\经济学类economics\统计学statistics 人文社会科学学院: 汉语言文学 Chinese language and culture\社会学 sociology\音乐学m


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