2014年秋人教版九年级英语课件Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section A.ppt

2014年秋人教版九年级英语课件Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section A.ppt

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2014年秋人教版九年级英语课件Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section A

Have you experienced any of the following things? How did you feel? How does the writer feel about them? trying to be on time for morning readings 2. running to the dining hall when the lunch bell rings 3. training for sports day 4. starting the first day in Grade 7 5. slowly making some new friends 6. helping classmates with homework 7. preparing for art festivals 8. going to New Year’s parties 9. learning English Revision 回顾 弄得一团乱 沉住气 准时 以......为自豪 记得做了某事 为......做准备 Review the grammar focus. They were excited about training and proud when they overcame their fears. They were hungry so they rushed to the dining hall when the bell rang. He/She was shy when starting his/her first day in Grade 7. He/She felt a little hard to make friends. He/She was happy to help classmates with homework. There were many challenges and they had to work hard to understand. They enjoyed preparing for art festivals and making a great big mess. They had fun at New Year’s parties. Looking back at these past three years I remember many things Trying to be on time for morning readings Running when the lunch bell rings look back at 回顾 e.g. Every time I look back at my childhood, I cannot help missing my dear grandma. 每当回忆童年生活,我总是忍不住想念我亲爱的祖母。 I like to look back at my high-school days, which were among the happiest days in my life. 我喜欢回顾我的高中生活,那是我一生中最快乐的日子。 on time准时 in time 及时 in time和on time都可在句中作状语,但二者意思不同。 选用in time或on time填空。 1. We students should go to school ________. 2. The doctor came _______ and saved the little boy’s life. on time? in time I remember the excitement Of the school sports day each year The many long hours of training Pride of overcoming fear excitement n. 兴奋 excite v. 激动,兴奋 excited adj. 兴奋的 exciting adj. 令人兴奋的 pride n. 自豪,骄傲 proud adj. 自豪,骄傲 不同点: pride为名词,常用搭配为take pride in或be the pride of。 proud为形容词,常用搭配为be proud of。 根据句意选用恰当的选项填空。 1. I’m ________ (pride /


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