20世纪早期的现代艺术 (1900-1945).ppt

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20世纪早期的现代艺术 (1900-1945)

Modern Art of the early 20th Century (1900-1945) Chapter 19 Important Terms and Concepts influences from world Modernism (definition, dates, and characteristics) Abstract art / abstraction Nonrepresentational art Readymades Dada Surrealism * WWI Great Depression WWII Modernism (1900-1945) Modernism: rejection of conventions and a commitment to radical innovation Characterized by: Diverse movements called “isms” Tendency toward abstraction and nonrepresentational art 3. Tendency to emphasize physical process 4. Adopted new techniques and materials in effort to explore the true nature of art Gustave Klimt. The Kiss. 1907-1908 Oil on canvas, 5’10” x 6’ Inspired by Expressionism tension in couples embrace element of escape to a drab and ordinary world Vasily Kandinsky. Improvisation No. 30 (Cannons). 1913 oil on canvas, 43” x 43” Inspired by Expressionism and Monet’s use of color created just prior to WWI, features apocalyptic imagery that was popular at the time as tensions were rising in Europe Darkened sky Leaning buildings canons Henri Matisse. The Joy of Life. 1905-1906 Oil on canvas, 5’8” x 7’9 Inspired by Expressionism, particularly by van Gogh’s brushwork example of “Fauvism” “art… devoid of troubling or depressing subject matter” Pablo Picasso. Les Demoiselles d’Avignon. 1907 Oil on canvas, 8’ x 7’8” Early Cubism Influenced by medieval art and African sculpture Picasso’s response to Matisse’s Joy of Life. Flattened with sharp curves and angles create tension in the space Cubism: The breaking down of nature into its most basic geometric shapes, created jointly by Picasso and Braque. George Braque. Violin and Palette. 1909-1910 Oil on canvas, 36” x 16” Braque took Picasso’s ideas one step further Matisse remarked that Braque had a way of painting with “little cubes” thus the name Cubism Pablo Picasso. Ma Jolie. 1911-1912 Oil on canvas, 39” x 25” Images so abstracted it borders on nonrepresentational art, art


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