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Introduction To 2k Factorial Experiment 2k因子实验设计简介 Agenda 教程 From previous module “Introduction to Design of Experiments” recap basis of DOE 从前面的章节“实验设计简介”复习 实验设计 基本原理。 What is a full factorial experiment ? 什么是全因子实验? “Main effect” and “Interaction” “主效果”和“交互作用” Two Factor Example (using Minitab) 两个因子例题(用Minitab) Introduction To 2k Factorial Experiment 2k 因子实验简介 Why do we use factorial experiment? 我们为什么需要进行因子实验? Advantages 优点 It can handle multiple factors multiple levels investigation at the same time. This is much quicker than OFAT (One Factor At a Time) type of hypothesis testing. 因子实验可以实现对多因子在多水平上的分析。这要比传统上被称为OFAT (一次一个因子) 的假设检验技术快得多。 It is also used to screen a large number of factors in the early stages of an investigation 因子实验在分析初期阶段可以用来筛选大量因子 Advantages 优点 It also allows to investigate the potential interactions between factors which is not possible for OFAT experiments. This is called factorial efficiency. 因子实验可以分析出因子间的潜在“交互作用”。OFAT 实验却不可以。这就称为因子效率。 THINK ABOUT you vary one factor at a time in an OFAT experiment 设想你在进行一次一个因子(OFAT) 实验,每次只变动一个因子 Advantages 优点 WHAT YOU GET is just an estimate of one factor with other factors fixed 你得到的只是在其他因子不变的情况下对一个因子的估计 AND ASSUMING the effect from other factors are fixed and the effects are additive 并假设其他因子的效果都不变以及这些效果可以叠加 HOWEVER 但是… Advantages 优点 In OFAT 在“一次一个因子”的实验里 Optimal value for one factor may changes when the values of any other factors changed 当其他因子的数值变动时,一个因子的最佳数值可能发生变化 Advantages 优点 In Factorial Experiment, No matter the optimal value changes or not. 在因子实验里,不管最佳值是否发生变化 It detects and estimates the effect among different factors and even their interactions, it also provide a better discrimination power than OFAT 它能够察觉及估计不同因子的效果,甚至它们的交互作用,它也比“一次一个因子”实验提供更好的判别能力 Introduction To 2k Factorial Experiment 2k 因子实验简介 Vocabularies, Definitions Notations 词汇、定义和标识 DOE Vocabulary 实验设计词汇 Experimental Design: 实验设计 The plan for conducting



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