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前言 目 录 摘要 1 关键词 1 Abstract 2 Keywords 2 3 (一)国际服务贸易发展概况 3 1.国际服务贸易发展速度不断加快 3 2.国际服务贸易结构加速调整 3 3.国际服务贸易发展很不均衡 4 4.国际服务贸易壁垒、摩擦逐渐增多 4 (二)我国服务贸易发展情况 4 1.我国服务贸易进出口总额和国际市场占有率不断提高 4 2.我国服务贸易结构趋于优化 5 3 .服务外包产业迅速发展 6 二、江苏省服务贸易发展现状 6 (一)江苏服务贸易规模状况分析 7 (二)江苏服务贸易走势状况分析 8 (三)江苏服务贸易结构状况分析 9 三、江苏省服务贸易发展过程中的问题和不足 10 (一)地区不均衡 10 (二)新兴行业比重远低于传统行业 12 (三)服务贸易发展缺乏人才支撑 12 (四)国际化水平不高,外商直接投资较小 12 (五)服务贸易市场竞争力较弱 13 四、江苏省服务贸易发展的对策 13 (一)促进苏南与苏北均衡发展 13 (二)促进产业结构优化 13 (三)强化服务贸易高层次人才引进培养 14 (四)深化对外开放,进一步开拓国际服务贸易市场 14 (五)提高创新能力,提升自主创新水平 15 参考文献 16 致谢 18 摘要 关键词 Jiangsu province present situation analysis and countermeasures of trade in services Abstract: Since the 1980s, with the economic globalization and the world industrial structure adjustment, focus to the tertiary industry in the global economic development. The third industry mainly refers to the service industry, service trade is the inevitable trend in the service industry internationalization, trade and services in the economic development of countries and regions increasingly highlight its important role. In todays world, the structure of the national economy (gross domestic product (GDP), service industry is given priority to, more than 60%; Industrial second, slightly (30%); Agriculture minimum, less than 10%. This kind of condition, nature of the national economy in the service economy age. In the era of service economy, service industry development is the basic trend of global economic and social development. In this background, as Chinas coastal economy in jiangsu province, international service trade development speed is fast but overall level is low, competitive advantage is not strong. Based on service industry and international service trade development in jiangsu province based on the analysis of the status quo, put forward the countermeasures for development of service industry and international service trade in jiangsu province. Keywords: Jiangsu province; Trade in services; Countermeasures 随着世界各国服务贸易的不断发展,服



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