4-SinoEUTraceability_PetterOlsen-英文(Petter Olsen).ppt

4-SinoEUTraceability_PetterOlsen-英文(Petter Olsen).ppt

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4-SinoEUTraceability_PetterOlsen-英文(Petter Olsen)

Overview of this presentation: Why standards are needed TRACEFISH - m?lsetting Vi vil etablere bred enighet blant industri og forskning i forhold til hvilke sporbarhetsdata som (minimum) skal registreres og overf?res i kjedene for fisk og fiskeprodukter, og for hvordan den elektroniske overf?ringen av disse dataene skal foreg?. Denne enigheten vil resultere i tre frivillige industristandarder (CEN/CWA) Captured fish standard Content of TraceFish standard Existing traceability standards Codex Alimentarius, CAC/GL 60-2006, ”Principles for Traceability / Product Tracing as a Tool Within a Food Inspection and Certification System” ISO, ISO/DIS 22005, ”Traceability in feed and food chain — General principles and basic requirements for system design and implementation” EU Common Food Law, 178/2002 EU Feed Hygiene Regulation, 183/2005 EU Feed Additive Regulation, 1831/2003 Can-Trace, Can-Trace reference documents CIES, ”Implementing Traceability in the Food Supply Chain” EurepGAP (now GlobalGAP), ”EurepGAP General Regulations”, “EurepGAP Control Points and Compliance Criteria”, “EurepGAP Checklist” ECR, ECR Blue Book, ”Using Traceability in the Supply Chain to meet Consumer Safety Expectations” BRC, ”Technical Standard for Companies Supplying Retailer Branded Food Products” (incorporating the old EFSIS standard) IFS, ”International Food Standard” GS1, ”The GS1 Traceability Standard” Existing standards for naming or Electronic Data Interchange AGROVOC, FAO standard for a multilingual, structured and controlled vocabulary designed to cover the terminology of all subject fields in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, food and related domains (e.g. environment) AgroXML, German standard for the agricultural sector. ebXML (Electronic Business using eXtensible Markup Language) is a modular suite of specifications that enables enterprises of any size and in any geographical location to conduct business over the Internet. Using ebXML, companies now have a standard method to exchange


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