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Unit 2 A new house 5A, Fun with English, Yilin Edition Unit 2 A new house Read say Look, read learn Ask answer Look and say Look and say Look and read Find the differences Listen repeat Say a rhyme Exercise A Exercise B Exercise C Unit 2 A new house 5A, Fun with English, Yilin Edition * * Read say Look, read learn Ask answer Look say Look read Find the differences Listen repeat Say a rhyme Exercises Where is the new house? Do they like the new house? How many rooms are there in the new house? Is there a garden near the house? Read say What is in Yang Ling’s bedroom? What’s on the wall? A: What’s in /on /under /behind…? B: There’s a …in /on /under /behind… There are some …in /on /under /behind… A: There isn’t a …here. B: Here is a …for you. A: … in on under near behind ? There is/are … in picture 1/2. There is/are not…in picture 1/2. black happy hat rabbit … [ ? ] The rabbit in the black hat looks very happy. Do you like my house? Do you like my house, Little house? Here’s the kitchen, there’s my cook. Here’s the study, there’s my book. Unit 2 A new house See you! * 封面。单击进入主界面。后面所有的幻灯片均是单击背景返回到主界面。 四会单词:live, a study, a bedroom, large, beside, a wall, between, a bed, under, behind, a door 句型和日常用语:What’s in/on/under/behind/beside/between…? There’s a/an …in/on/under/behind/beside/between… There are some…in/on/under/behind/beside/between… There isn’t a/an … There aren’t any… 三会:They like the …very much. I live in a new house now. Here is a/an… for you. Here are some … for you. 语音:元音字母a在单词中的读音 / A / 小诗歌:Do you like my house? 教学重点:继续学习和训练There be结构的句型,包括否定式,肯定式、一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,单数句型和复数句型的操练等。 教学难点:疑问句和否定句中使用any,肯定句中使用some。 主界面。分别指向本单元各版快。图案到“再见”页面。 本单元A部分对话之1/2,在播放录音之前出示图片和问题,听完之后要求学生回答出来。高端学生要求用完整的句子进行回答。 本单元A部分对话之2/2,在播放录音之前出示图片和问题,听完之后要求学生回答出来。高端学生要求用完整的句子进行回答。 完成听力理解之后,要求学生能够根据录音流畅朗读、分角色朗读、并用简短的语句描述Yang Ling家的新房子的基本构造以及她的房间里的简单设施。此项可以分开进行。 B部分主要内容。基本曾经接触过,直接教学,加词组训练。 C部分。单击分别出现各图片,提示句型不变。 Pic. 1分别提问篮子和狗:What’s this?学生回答:It’s a basket. / I


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